Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,15

away from him in the cramped space as she could.

She turned and grabbed the first aid kit from the cockpit where she’d put it earlier. She’d been making a home out of this wreck, finding places for things, making everything as comfortable for them as she could. He understood the need, but now that it was done, she needed to conserve her energy and rest next to him where they could share each other’s heat.

“I’m sorry, Skip. I should have thought about your arm. Here.” She shook out four pills and handed them to him, her arm fully extended so that she wouldn’t touch him.

He enclosed his hand over hers. “I’m not going to jump you. Relax.”

A blush flared in her cheeks. “Sorry.”

“And quit saying you’re sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“I have everything to be sorry about.” She tugged on her arm until he opened his hand. She dropped the pills into his palm and offered a water bottle.

He swallowed the pills to keep from venting his frustration. She needed to get over the past. She was a different person. More mature, less fractured. The strong woman he’d always known she could be. Why couldn’t she see that?

“We need to shut off the light to save the batteries. So if there’s anything you need to do or get before we head to bed, you’d better do it.”

“Bathroom,” she blurted out. “I need to use the bathroom.”

Did she really, or was it another delay? Whether she did or didn’t, it was something he needed to address.

“Okay, we’ll go together.”

“I’m not peeing with you.”

“Have you looked out there?” He pointed to the snow plastered windows. “It’s a blizzard. You’ll get lost.”

She rolled her eyes. “I grew up here too. I’m not some cheechako you have to teach the ropes to.” She stopped, and her eyes widened. “Rope. I saw rope.” She held up a finger in thought. “Give me a second.” She sidled past him and climbed into the tail of the plane. “Shine the flashlight this direction.”

He tilted the flashlight toward her and was rewarded as her sweet ass caught in the beam of light. He smothered a groan. He wanted that ass snuggled up to his—

“Hey, could you be helpful here or what?”

He jerked the flashlight beam off her becoming backside and shined it where it would actually help her. Geez, where was his head? Get it together man. She’s going to think you only have sex on the brain. It was the truth, but he should pretend otherwise. Women didn’t like to know the truth about men.

“Got it.” She held up some frayed rope like it was a trophy.

“What are we going to do with that?” Tie each other up? Another pump of blood headed south.

“I’ll tie one end around my waist, head out there—” she paused and shuddered “—tie the other end to the struts on the plane so I can find my way back in the snow.”

He liked his idea better. But hers was more practical though less titillating. “Good idea.” She beamed, and he suddenly wondered how many people, him included, had ever complimented her. Yeah, he’d always told her how beautiful she was but never how brilliant. But then she hadn’t done a lot of smart things in her life. So many people had relished pointing that out to her. Her father especially.

“Let me go first,” he said. He could at least break a trail.

“If you don’t mind, I’m about to burst.” She grabbed her coat and slid it on.

He reached up and untied the flashlight from where he’d hung it. “Take this.”

He handed it to her but didn’t let it go when she grabbed it. “Don’t drop it.”

“I won’t.”

She tied an end of the rope around her waist. When she was finished, she met his eyes. “I won’t go far. Don’t worry.”

He buried his hand in her hair, and yanked her in for a fast and hard kiss. He’d meant to only kiss her quick, but she did that softening thing again, and he helplessly sunk into her mouth. She moaned into his mouth and slid her arms around his neck. He reached out to pull her closer and tweaked his broken arm. He hissed and released her, pain flared hot and cold, diminishing his desire.

“Be careful,” he gritted out, not wanting her to know how much pain he was in.

“I will.” She cocked her head. “You okay?”

“I’ll be fine once you’re back here. So hurry.”

“See you in a few.” Then

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