Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,122

knew he wouldn’t find, his movements brought him closer as he leaned over her, cradling her within his arms as his hands smoothed up her back to her shoulders. His nostrils flared, and her inner muscles clenched in response. His lips were mere inches from hers. The kiss he’d given her downstairs had been shocking. She hadn’t expected that he would desire her after all this time. Why would he when he’d already gotten what he’d wanted from her during that night in Afghanistan?

But he wanted her now. She could see it, feel it in the very air vibrating around them, and her body responded in ways she wished she could shut down.

His hands caressed down her spine back to her hips, his fingers curling around the front, pausing before tracing the line from the tops of her thighs to the heart of her sex.

Oh God, she was not going to make it.

Why hadn’t he gagged her too? She bit hard on her bottom lip, trying to keep in the appeal for him to take her, ride her hard, give her some sort of release.

His fingers traced her folds before dipping into her wet center.

“Oh, Katja.” He groaned as though in torment, his head falling forward, his hair grazing the sensitive skin of her stomach.

Unable to stop her herself, she shifted her legs, giving him more room to probe her further. Deeper. She arched her hips into his hand, wishing for him to deepen his stroke.

“Fuck.” He suddenly growled and surged off the bed. Grabbing a quilt that was draped over the leather chair next to the fireplace, he covered her with it before slamming out of the room, leaving her there writhing with want.

Oh yeah, he was a dead man.

Sergei unscrewed the top of the vodka bottle with a shaky hand and slung back a huge swallow.

Bozhe moi, he’d barely made it out of the room without burying himself inside her. He’d had to know that she wasn’t packing anything else that could kill or maim him. He hadn’t taken into account her body alone was enough to do him in. And what he’d just done set back any chance he had of reconciling with her. That is if there had ever been a fucking chance to begin with.

He took another swallow, relishing the burn of the bitter liquid down his throat. Recapping the bottle, he set it on the table. He’d need more vodka when he returned. She’d had a tracking device on her. There had to be more somewhere. He’d already shredded her snowsuit and boots. And since he’d stripped her bare, after finding her deceptive—brilliantly constructed—bra, that left her base camp.

He opened the door from the kitchen and went outside to gather more wood. The weather had already turned blustery with the storm front moving in tonight. Cold slapped him, dropping things back down to size in a flash. He hadn’t bothered with a coat, and wood bark scraped his forearms as he gathered logs. Once back inside the cabin, he banked the fire downstairs to burn slow and even and then headed upstairs.

A deep breath and a stern pep talk to himself not to get near the bed, he entered the room. Kate hadn’t moved, but then how could she when she was trussed up like she was? The temptation she offered almost buckled his knees. Her eyes were slumberous, the jade having deepened to granite and heated with fire. She probably wanted to kill him even more now. Luckily the quilt covered her nakedness, but her image was tattooed into his brain, and it took some prodding from him to head to the fireplace rather than join her under the covers.

He started a fire—another fire—the one in his blood had flamed again being in the same room with her, and added more logs.

“The room vill varm soon,” he said, standing and facing her. This woman scared the hell out of him. “Is there anything else you need?”

There was a pause as she gave him an incredulous look. “Yeah, you could untie me.”

Well, he’d asked. “I am leaving for a few hours. The fire vill keep you varm. Might be good to get some rest. You’ve...exerted yourself much today.”

“Where are you going?” She frowned.

“I need to find your campsite.”

“It’s dark out there.”

“Dah, and cold too.”

“So, you’re just going to leave me here. Tied up?”


“I can go with you.”

“I don’t trust you not to kill me. You’ll stay here vhere I know you’ll be vhen I

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