Wild Hunt - Kali Argent Page 0,26

he found both alluring and disarming.

Crossing the room in a few strides, he caught her cheeks between his palms and just held her there, computing every detail to memory right down to the exact place of her freckles. Then, very slowly, giving her plenty of time to pull away or knee him in the balls, he lowered his mouth to hers. Mackenna didn’t try to stop him, and they met in a sweet, gentle kiss that ignited every nerve ending in his body.

Her hand came up to rest on his shoulder, and she swayed into him, parting her lips on a soft sigh. Vibrating with desire, he wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her closer as he caressed the seam of her mouth with his tongue. He kept the kiss gentle and coaxing, delving deeper, then retreating until Mackenna relaxed into the rhythm with another one of those intoxicating sighs.

When her hand clenched against his shoulder, fisting in his shirt, he reluctantly pulled back, ending the kiss with another chaste brush of their lips. Christ, he wanted her, but she wasn’t ready. Frankly, he didn’t know if he was ready.

“Last chance to change your mind.” His voice was still heavy with lust, but he hoped she understood he meant leaving the room, not getting naked with him.

“No, I’m ready.” She bit her kiss-swollen lip and took his hand, linking their fingers together. “Just, maybe, don’t leave me.”

He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. “Never.”

With her hand clasped in his, he led her out of the room and down the hall, following the sounds of conversation to the hospital’s waiting area. Since being taken over by the Revenant, the lobby had been transformed into more of a rec room with comfortable sofas and chairs, a flat screen television, and even a gaming console.

He spotted Abby immediately, her golden hair and Barbie blue eyes standing out even beneath the layer of soot that coated her pale skin. She stood off to the side of the check-in desk, wrapped up securely in Luca’s arms, and the big male wasn’t letting anyone near her.

Cade didn’t know their story, and he didn’t need to know. They looked happy together, and Abby was alive and back where she belonged. That was all that mattered.

He scanned the room, looking for someone not occupied who could tell him what had happened at the shifter camp. Eventually, his gaze settled on Lynk, their eyes met, and the shifter nodded before starting to make his way across the room. Beside him, Mackenna tensed and pressed closer to his side.

Even under the best of circumstances, he could understand the reaction. Over six and a half feet tall, Lynk towered over everyone else in the room. His snowy white hair hung loosely around his face, the strands matted with blood, ash, and Christ only knew what else. If that wasn’t intimidating enough, the gaping wound in the side of his neck would have given anyone pause.

Eyes the color of pure moonlight flickered between him and Mackenna, and Cade recognized the exact moment Lynk decoded the situation. The shifter stopped a few feet away and dipped his head.


Cade returned his nod and pulled Mackenna tighter against his side. “Mackenna, this is Lynk Foster. He’s a dick, but he saved my life, so I guess he’s okay.”

Lynk snorted. “That’s a hell of an endorsement, Novak.”

True, but his backhanded compliment had produced the desired result. Mackenna giggled, and some of her shaking subsided.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lynk.”

She didn’t speak loudly, just barely above a murmur, but honestly, Cade was surprised she’d said anything at all. “Look.” He jerked his head to the side. “Here comes trouble.”

“Hi!” Roux said brightly as she bounced to a stop beside them. “Boys, if you’ll excuse us, I think Mackenna is probably ready to get out of that hospital gown.” She didn’t crowd close, but she offered her hand, along with an encouraging smile. “What do you say? We can find you some real clothes, then I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

“Roux,” Cade said warningly.

“No.” Pulling away from his side, Mackenna patted his arm and smiled up at him. “It’s okay. Real clothes would be great.” She straightened her spine and reached out to take Roux’s offered hand. “Thank you.”

“She’s tough,” Lynk commented as they watched the females walk away. “Roux filled me in on a little of what happened to her,” he added when Cade arched an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know

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