Wild Girl (Wild Men Texas #3) - Melissa Belle Page 0,57

have. I’m sorry it took me so long to quit fighting myself. But I’ve never loved anyone else, only you. The truth is that Vegas wasn’t as much of a mistake as I thought, because you are the only man I would ever break my own no-marriage rule for.”

He points to my diary. “Why did you turn it sideways to read?”

“Apparently I decided to turn the paper that way when I wrote. Must have been a really good drunk idea. I also wrote so freaking big, no wonder I finished the book.”

“Maybe the book was finished with your decision to open your heart.”

“Maybe it was.” I take his hand in mine.

He squeezes my hand and kisses me lightly on the lips.

“You were right. I’m glad you made me hear your Vegas entry.” He kisses my cheek.

“I tried everything to distract myself this summer.” I shake my head. “I tried to focus on marrying off Ginny and Dave. But I couldn’t marry you off. Not unless it was to me.”

He kisses my neck and then climbs out of the sleeping bag. “Wait there. Be right back.”

I enjoy watching him walk across the grass and over to the truck. I’ll never get tired of looking at a naked Logan and his perfect ass.

He disappears into the passenger side, and I think he opens the dashboard, but I can’t see anything else.

When he returns to the blanket, he kneels down in front of me and takes my left hand in his.

Oh, holy shit.

I’m sure my eyes are as big as Texas, but Logan’s too nervous to tease me. His hands are shaking, and he clears his throat before—

“I know you always swore up and down we could never work and that marriage is something you promised you’d never tie yourself down with, but I’m gonna ask you again—Austen Macey Henwood, will you marry me?”

Logan opens his free hand to reveal the ruby ring that he won for me so long ago—sitting in his palm.

I throw my arms around his neck, and we fall together onto the blanket.

“Yes,” I say as I kiss him over and over. “Let’s get married.”

I touch the ring with my index finger. “Did you keep it in your truck all summer?”

He nods. “I never wanted you to give it back to me. I could hardly stop from telling you what was going on with Gigi and me after you did. But now, it’s yours forever. Just like I am.”

Logan pulls us up into a sitting position so he can slip the ring onto my left ring finger.

“It looks better on you now,” he says. “I know that sounds weird.”

“No, you’re right. We weren’t ready in Vegas. We were meant to get married, but our hearts weren’t ready yet.”

He grins. “Plus, you look really hot wearing just the ring and nothing else.”

I climb onto his lap. “I think it’s the company.”

“So tomorrow’s Independence Day, huh?” he says suddenly as I admire how my ring shimmers in the fading firelight. “How’s your family doing with the whole ghost legend drama?”

I throw up my hands. “You know, that ghost isn’t gonna budge. But it doesn’t mean I can’t.” I look at Logan so I can be sure to see his reaction. “I asked Ben if he wanted to run The Cowherd instead of me. He does. And my daddy gave his blessing. We all signed a new contract yesterday.”

Logan stares at me, trying to make sure I’m serious. When he sees I am, he grins. “So you let it go.”

I nod slowly. “Yeah. I guess I did.”

“I’m happy for you.” He raises his eyebrows impulsively. “Do you want to get married there tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? Seriously?”

He nods. “No more curses, or jinxes, or haunted cells. Just you and me saying ‘I do.’”

I take his hand. “You and me at The Cowherd Whiskey Chapel on my birthday. Independence Day. Getting married.”

He smiles. “Kind of perfect, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” I say. “I do.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

Logan was right. By morning, the sun has dried enough of the mud that we’re able to drive easily and fairly smoothly out from the backwoods of the lake. I call the mayor as soon as we hit Main Street and tell him what we want.

“You and Logan?” he asks me, confused. “Logan Wild? I thought you two were divorced. And you said you’re never getting married again.”

“I’m marrying Logan,” I say firmly. “Today. My psychic even pulled the wedding card for me, but I didn’t understand the meaning until now.”

“Sweetheart, are you

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