Wild Country (The World of the Others #2)- Anne Bishop Page 0,56

the overhead racks and to have their papers in easy reach. Figuring she would have to talk to someone about Candice traveling with them, since she had initiated the other woman joining their group, Jana waited while the doctors, dentist, attorneys, vet, and other professional people left the car. Finally she and Candice walked down the steps and reached the platform, with John right behind them.

She wasn’t sure what she’d expected from John saying the town leaders were meeting the train. Enough individuals to control a group of people coming into town? Didn’t need a group. The two men—males?—standing on the platform were sufficiently intimidating in completely different ways. The one dressed in a black suit with a gray shirt had the sleek look of a ruthless politician—or a high-priced assassin, if she went with the description of such men in the thrillers she read. The other one …

Shaggy hair that was a mix of gray and black, the gray not due to age, since he looked to be in his early thirties. Amber eyes that didn’t hold a hint of tolerance let alone friendliness. Attractive in a rough-and-ready sort of way. Not someone she would choose to be around, because everything about him warned her he was dangerous. The man in the black suit might be more lethal in the balance, but the man dressed in jeans and a red-checked shirt was the one you’d find in the middle of bar fights and other physical altercations.

He was also the one wearing a sheriff’s badge pinned to the pocket of his shirt.

This was her boss? Crap.

“Wait here,” John said as he walked past the two women.

He didn’t talk to the other two men for more than a minute—surely not long enough to explain Candice’s situation—when he gestured for her and Candice to join the men. Males. She’d have to ask someone about the correct word to use.

“Virgil, this is your new deputy, Jana Paniccia,” John said. “Deputy Jana, this is Sheriff Virgil Wolfgard.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Jana held out her hand.

Virgil grabbed her wrist, leaned over her hand, and sniffed it.

Her hand closed into a fist before she had time to consciously make a choice, but she retained enough control not to bop him in the nose.

Virgil released her wrist, then studied her. “She’s kind of small.”

She bared her teeth. That wasn’t a conscious choice either. “I’m stronger than I look.”

“We’ll see.” Dismissive, as if he’d already decided she wasn’t worth his time.

Don’t punch him in the face. Don’t punch him in the face. Do not punch him in the face. And don’t even think about a knee to the groin, no matter how satisfying the action would be in the short term.

“Ms. Paniccia, I’m Tolya Sanguinati, the town’s leader.” He held out his hand.

Jana shook it. “I met Vlad Sanguinati when I interviewed for the deputy position.”

“I know.” Tolya smiled, showing a hint of fang.

Oh, definitely tall, dark, and lethal.

“This is Candice Caravelli,” Jana said, bringing the other woman to their attention.

“John explained that you are looking for work,” Tolya said.

“Yes,” Candice said, then amended her reply. “Yes, sir.”

“What kind of work do you do?”

“I was a dance instructor. All kinds of dances. Some formal but I also taught country dances and square dances.”

“Those are traditional frontier kinds of dances and would be useful for social events,” Jana said.

“I also taught Quiet Mind classes,” Candice said.

“Very useful for helping to relieve stress,” Jana added.

“Are you one of those high-strung females?” Virgil asked.

“Compared to what?” Reminding herself that she shouldn’t start challenging her boss before she’d had a chance to see the town, Jana gave Virgil a tight-lipped smile. “I find exercise and Quiet Mind stretches keep me from feeling overly stressed.” And if she’d had the occasional crying jag during her time at the police academy to relieve the pressure of dealing with classmates who had made a daily effort to remind her of why she wasn’t suited to be a serving police officer, that was her business.

“Let’s proceed to the Bird Cage Saloon, where newcomers receive their information about housing and the town’s rules,” Tolya said. “Newcomers will be housed in the hotel temporarily. Ms. Paniccia, you will be housemate to Barbara Ellen Debany, who will meet you at the saloon. Are your possessions marked with your name?” He gestured to the boxes and luggage being offloaded from the baggage car.

“Yes,” Jana replied.

“Then Nicolai will have everything delivered to the house except the items you have with you

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