Wild Country (The World of the Others #2)- Anne Bishop Page 0,175

the ranch?”

“Yuri Sanguinati and one of the Hawks. I can’t tell them apart.” She could almost feel Tobias wince. Obviously an Intuit with a feel for animals knew the feathered Others all by name, along with the names of their mates and the chicks still in the shell.

And I’m being a bitch because I’m tired and scared and feeling very alone right now.

“Did you ask any of the terra indigene if any of them saw the exchange of cars? They might not have understood everything they were seeing, but they would know the difference between an aggressive act and cooperation.”

Exchange of cars. The words made her think of a handoff.

“You think it could have been a staged meeting?” she asked.

“They were in the wild country, Jana. Believe me when I tell you that when you’re out there, there is nothing a human does that isn’t observed by someone. Not anymore. My guess? The Elders watched whatever happened between the two men who robbed my mother’s store and the middle-aged couple who died and concluded they were a single pack. And having decided that, they attacked the stationary target.”

“They were driving to Bennett,” Jana argued, but there was no longer any conviction in her words.

“Did you go out to look at the car?”

“Yes. It was … at the crossroads.” She’d heard the words when Truman told the story but hadn’t absorbed the meaning at the time. “If they’d been stopped at the crossroads by the robbers and were driving to Bennett when the Elders attacked, why were they still at the crossroads?” And what had been said when they thought no one was around to listen?

Exhausted, Jana sank into a chair. “They weren’t innocent.”

“If there really are outlaws gathering in Bennett, I think it’s more important to make amends with Virgil than to argue the guilt or innocence of people who are already gone.”

Later that evening, as Jana heard the Wolves howling, she wondered how a female Wolf apologized to a pack leader and how much groveling a human female would have to do to be accepted back into the police pack.


Thaisday, Messis 30

“Bennett is Virgil’s territory.” Morgan Wolfgard glanced at the small cooler tucked behind the seats. “Why do I have to come with you?”

“I need to get this meat to Jana before she goes to work, which means being on the road before daylight,” Tobias replied. “You’re here to tell the Elders why I’m bending the rule about only traveling during daylight.”

“Why does she need meat from you? Don’t they have meat in Bennett?”

“She and Virgil had a fight. This fresh meat is her way of saying she’s sorry.”

“Huh.” Another glance at the cooler. “So you risk being eaten in order to bring Virgil some meat so he won’t eat the human female?”

“She works for him, so he won’t eat her.” Gods, I hope he’s not angry enough to start thinking that way.

“Is it good meat?”

“A cow’s liver and a good-size roast.” Seeing the wistful look, Tobias fought to keep a straight face. “I wrapped up the heart for you as a thank-you for coming with me.”

Morgan licked his lips and turned back to watch the road.

I guess he doesn’t need to watch the cooler now that he knows he’ll get his share of the meat. Which was good because Tobias really wanted Morgan’s attention on whatever might be watching the car and deciding to attack them.

They passed the crossroads. The burned-out car was two car lengths away from the road. Most likely, that was where it had landed when it had been struck by whatever Elder had first attacked the vehicle.

Morgan sat up straighter. “These humans, the outers.”

“Outlaws,” Tobias corrected.

“They are a breed of human, like Cyrus humans?”

The question chilled him. “I don’t rightly know. What did the Cyrus human do?” He’d heard what had happened to the man in Bennett, but he still didn’t know exactly what the first “Cyrus human” had done to deserve being killed that way.

“He stole Broomstick Girl—and he hurt her,” Morgan replied. “Cyrus humans are enemies of the cassandra sangue and the terra indigene. The teaching story hasn’t traveled this far yet, so that is all I know.” The Wolf stared at Tobias and added softly, “That is all we need to know.”

Tobias drove for a few minutes, thinking it over. “Why is this girl so important?” When Morgan growled, he said hastily, “I’m not saying she shouldn’t be, I’m asking why. I’d like to understand.”

“She saw the danger. She tried

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