The Wife He Needs - Brenda Jackson Page 0,48

if she’d ever felt more content.

Hours later, Garth entered his bedroom to change clothes. He would be rejoining Regan in fifteen minutes to enjoy the hot tub. Dinner had been awesome, if he did say so himself. Regan had said so, too. She’d gone on and on about how delicious it was. He’d been quick to remind her that they had prepared the meal together and that she’d been an excellent helper.

He hadn’t been giving her any BS, because she had been a great assistant. He had enjoyed having her there with him, sharing his space. She was the first woman to ever do so. There was never a time that he and Karen had shared kitchen duties. Nor had they ever played any kissing games. And he’d never gotten the chance to perform oral sex on her. Hell, he wasn’t sure if she would have liked it. He did recall that the few times they had made love, she’d gotten up immediately afterward, saying she wasn’t the cuddling type. He’d gotten used to that.

Regan, however, was the cuddling type, and now he was getting used to how she liked things. Either way was fine with him, but he found Regan’s way of wanting to be held afterward a lot more intimate.

He inhaled a deep breath as he began stripping off his clothes to change into his swimming shorts. He couldn’t stop thinking of that kissing contest. Boy, had he enjoyed it, from start to finish. Of course, it hadn’t finished the way it should have, but he had no complaints...other than one. Since he’d forfeited the game, that made her the winner. That meant she could do whatever she wanted with him. He couldn’t help wondering what she had in mind.

Garth had finished changing when his cell phone went off. He recognized the caller as Maverick and was surprised his youngest brother had waited this long to call. Maverick had a tendency to make a pest of himself, but deep down Garth knew he wouldn’t have it any other way. Maverick was Maverick.

He grabbed the phone off his bed. “What’s going on with you, Maverick?”

“I should be asking that of you. Are you treating my girl right?”

His girl? “If you’re referring to Regan, yes, I’m the perfect host.”

“Good. She needs to enjoy herself. Working for you isn’t easy, Garth. You’re demanding. Too serious at times. Too driven. Hanging around you for any period of time can be stressful. You work too hard. Regan deserves time to enjoy herself. To chill. I just hope like hell that you’re not boring her.”

Garth smiled when he thought of what all he and Regan had done that day. He could safely say she wasn’t at all bored. The sound of her screaming out her pleasure was still ringing in his ears.

“Look, Mav, I need to go take a shower,” he lied.

“Okay, and tell Regan I said hello.”

“I will. Talk to you later.”

He clicked off the phone and quickly left the bedroom. He didn’t want to keep Regan waiting.


The next morning, Regan slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she noted was that she was in bed alone. How had Garth left without waking her? When she had drifted off to sleep last night, he’d been holding her in his arms, with their limbs entwined. She must have been sleeping pretty hard not to have felt him disengaging their bodies.

She glanced at the clock on Garth’s nightstand as the aroma of bacon flowed through her nostrils. It was breakfast time and Paulo was back. But she would have to say, Garth had done a great job at breakfast yesterday. In her book, Garth had done a great job in everything yesterday.

Dinner had been great and the brownies had been delicious. To top everything off, their lovemaking had been wonderful. Both before and after dinner. When she thought about what all they’d done in that hot tub, she couldn’t help but blush. And then last night, right here in this bedroom. They’d taken another shower together—their second that day—and then he’d dried her off, swept her into his arms and carried her to his bed to make love to her again.

She’d made love more times in one day and night than she’d done in the past three years. The mere thought had her pulse racing, mainly because it hadn’t been with just anyone, but with the man she loved.

She eased up in bed, wondering where Garth had gone and why he hadn’t awakened her Copyright 2016 - 2024