The Wife He Needs - Brenda Jackson Page 0,46

lifting of her brow and knew she had questions. “Yes?”

“What if I really need to breathe? I’m not good at holding my breath for a long period of time.”

“All you have to do is break off the kiss, but you only get a couple of seconds to suck in air.”

She frowned. “A couple of seconds?”

“Yes. I’m being generous.”

“You really think so?” she asked him, looking none too sure of that.

He chuckled. “Okay, take no more than five seconds. I am modifying the rules, but if you don’t think you can stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen.”

“Oh, I plan on getting you so hot, Garth, steam will be coming out of your ears. There’s no way you won’t lose.”

Sliding her off his lap, he placed her on the sofa beside him and turned to face her. “Bring it on, Regan.”

Kissing but no touching...

Regan was convinced whoever had thought of this kissing game needed to have their head examined, and she needed hers checked just for agreeing to play. But she would find any excuse to kiss Garth—the kicker would be not touching him. She liked rubbing her hands over his chest whenever his tongue was inside her mouth. Earlier, she’d even cupped him a few times and loved touching him there.

“Ready to start?” She looked at Garth, saw the dark heat in his eyes. He was so sure of his abilities that he’d basically already declared himself the winner. It was there in his gaze and the smile curving his lips. Well, she would have to show him.

More than anything, she had to stay in control of her senses. All five of them. Taste wasn’t off the table because that was the main sense they would be using. Since touching was off the table, it would be the biggest temptation. Closing her eyes would take care of her sense of sight, but she wasn’t sure about the hearing and smell. Just hearing him groan did things to her and he had a scent that turned her on.


Drawing in a deep breath and forcing her hands to her side, she nodded. “Yes, let’s do this.”

Not waiting for him, she leaned in and went straight for his luscious mouth.


Mercy! Regan had charged into his mouth like her life depended on it. The action had surprised him so much that he had to remember where they were and what they were doing. On instinct he’d almost reached out to lock his arms around her, but then caught himself. Touching her was the one thing he couldn’t do.

He had to calm his pounding heart and take charge of the situation. She’d gotten a head start and he’d been swept up in how she made him feel. Explosive sensations had settled right in his groin. Once he took control, he figured it would all be over. Already he was thinking about what he would have her do when she lost.

He returned her kiss with an urgency he felt in every part of his body. Deepening the kiss, he whipped his tongue from her grasp and became the aggressor. He knew he had succeeded when he felt her move under his mouth. He nearly lost it when he heard her moan. He balled his hands into fists at his side. Otherwise, he would be tempted to use those hands to stroke her all over, to slide them underneath that T-shirt and caress her breasts. Garth didn’t want to stop there.

She suddenly snatched her mouth away to draw in a breath and then she was back at it, reclaiming his mouth as if determined to regain command. And for a moment she did. Regan had caught him off guard when she broke off the kiss. In those quick three seconds, he’d been focused on the sight of her wet lips, and now she’d gotten the upper hand. This was a full-contact, wet-tongued, bone-melting kind of kiss.

He was fighting like hell to get back his mastery but discovered it wasn’t as easy as he’d thought it would be. She was kissing him in a way that spilled intense pleasure within his very soul. It was if this was a kiss of intent. One of possession.

Never had a woman kissed him like this before. A part of him suspected she’d never kissed a man like this before, either. She wasn’t behaving like an experienced kisser, but like one who’d discovered something new that she liked. She was getting all she could out of it.

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