Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,95

let Sean and Corry know it’s time to go.”

We got the boys loaded up and headed over to the high school for graduation. Just as I’d expected, Mom didn’t make it. Marc and his better half were there, but sat off to their own, making sure to keep their distance. I was pleased to see that Menace and Rafe showed up with Country in tow. Even Doc and Hawk tagged along with Marlowe and Remington. They’d all come to show their support, and it meant the world to us both, especially me. Frankie was a crying, blubbering mess all through the graduation proceedings. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Marlowe and Remington hadn’t been there to console her.

I’d tried to ease her mind about Corry going off, but I hadn’t been able to get through to her like they had. She wiped away her tears and was actually smiling when Corry stepped up on the stage and took his diploma. We all clapped and cheered, calling out his name like he’d just won the fucking lottery. I had no doubt we’d embarrassed the hell out of him, but he knew we were there, and we loved him. That’s all that really mattered. When the graduation was over, Corry came rushing over to us. As soon as he’d said a polite but brief thank you to everyone for coming, he turned to Frankie and said, “Sean and I are heading over to Joseph’s. We’re gonna eat there, and then, I’m heading to Emma Grace’s house for the graduation party. I’ll drop Sean off on my way over.”

“So, y’all aren’t going to eat with us?”

“Come on, Mom. We can eat with y’all any time.”

“But this is your special day.”

“Yeah, I know.” He shrugged and smiled as he told her, “That means we can go, right?”

“Yeah, but you both owe me a dinner tomorrow night.”

“Sure thing.” He gave her a big hug then said, “I’ll be home by one.”

“By twelve-thirty, Corry.”

“Fine. Twelve-thirty.”

He was about to turn to leave when I called out to him, “Corry?”


“Remember the rules,” I ordered.

“I know. No drinking and driving.” He smiled as he said, “You might wanna make sure you keep your phone on tonight.”

We knew there would be times when they’d find themselves in a predicament, so I told them I would pick them up anywhere and at any time of night without any questions. All they had to do was call. I gave him a nod as I said, “I definitely will. You just be careful.”

“Will do.” He stopped and studied me for a moment, then walked over and wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. “Thank you, Ro. Thank you for everything.”

Before I had a chance to respond, he let go and ran off to join his buddies. I stood there for a second, trying to swallow the knot that had formed in my throat. Frankie slipped her arm around my waist as she whispered, “The boys are very lucky to have you.”

I looked down at her and Jackson, and my chest tightened as I told her, “I’m the lucky one. Make no mistake about that.”

We thanked everyone for coming, then gathered up Jackson and headed back to the house. Once we had him down for the night, Frankie came into the kitchen and stood in front of me, looking at me with nothing but love in her eyes. “I wanted to thank you for tonight. Actually, I want to thank you for all the nights ...and all the early mornings and long afternoons. You being there has meant so much to me and to the boys.”

She brought her hands up to my face, pulling me close as she pressed her lips against mine. I’d never dreamed I could be as content as I was with her, but I was. I truly was. Frankie was my everything. I pulled back and looked down at her as I said, “There’s no place I’d rather be.”

“You know...we’ve got some time before Corry drops off Sean.”


“Um-hmm.” She started to step backwards, smiling mischievously as she whispered, “Bedroom?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Like two horny teenagers, we rushed to the bedroom, eagerly kissing and pawing at each other like we hadn’t just had sex the night before. “How long do you think we have before Sean gets home?”

“An hour?” She quickly unzipped her dress and let it drift aimlessly to the floor, then watched eagerly as I freed myself from my jeans and boxers. “Maybe longer.”

As I stood there

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