Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,65

hadn’t even been on a real date, but in my heart, I knew I’d found something special in him—something I might never find again, and I simply wasn’t ready to walk away. “You remember the day he came here, and you helped him change the tire?”


“He went out of his way to help us, not once, but three times. He talked to you and took the time to teach you how to fix a flat tire. He picked you up at the park and made sure you got home safe, and just so you know, he’s never told me exactly what happened that day. He didn’t want to break your trust. All those little things will eventually grow into big things.”

“Yeah, I get it. You’re right. I just want you to be careful.”

“I will be.” I could tell by his expression he was still feeling skeptical, so I told him, “I’ll make a deal with you.”


“I’ll take things slow. I’ll make sure he’s the man I think he is, and if there ever comes a time when he’s not, then I’ll reevaluate things. And you can do the same. If something comes up with him that you don’t feel good about, you tell me, and we’ll talk about it.” I got up and walked over to him, then knelt down so we were eye to eye. “I’m not going to make the same mistakes I made with your father, Corry. I’m a different person now. I’m better, I’m stronger, and I will not be with someone who isn’t good to us. All of us.”

“You promise?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I promise.” I reached over and gave him a big hug. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I really hope so.”

“It will. You’ll see.” I released him from my hug, then turned to Sean. “That sound okay with you?”

“Yeah.” He smiled, “I already told ya. I like Widow. And I think it’s awesome he could kick Dad’s ass.”

“He’s not going to kick your father’s ass.”

“Wish he would,” Corry grumbled. “Especially after last weekend.”

“What are you talking about? What happened?”

“Trust me.” He rolled his hazel eyes with disgust. “You don’t want to know.”

After all they’d been through with their father, there was no way I was just going to let this go. “Actually, I do. Tell me what happened.”

“Gah.” He leaned his head back and groaned, “I should’ve never brought it up.”

“But you did, so spill it.”

“Fine, but it’s gonna gross you out.” He looked down at his phone and started flipping through his pictures. Once he found what he was looking for, he offered it to me. “It’s already been burned into my brain, so it might as well be burned into yours.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see.”

I took the phone from his hand, and my mouth dropped the second I saw what was on the screen. It was a drawer full of various sex toys from dildos and strap-ons to lubricants and butt plugs. Yes, butt plugs. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Oh my God! Where did you find all this?”

“In Dad’s sock drawer.”

“Why were you looking through his sock drawer?”

Corry looked at me like I had three heads as he answered, “Cause I needed a pair of socks.”

I knew Marc had a thing for porn. He was always sneaking around to watch it when we were married, but I’d never known him to have an interest in these kinds of toys. He was always too proud for anything like that. If I even joked about it, he’d twist things around and make me feel like a whore for wanting more than her husband could give. It was like I’d insulted his manhood. Apparently, that wasn’t the case with Lila Jo. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Marc was never good in bed, so he’d have to be creative to keep a woman like her satisfied. I glanced back down at the picture on the screen and cringed at the sight. “Why in the world would you take a picture of all this?”

“Figured if I had to be mentally scarred, so should Sean.”

“You showed Sean?” I gasped.

“Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Cause he’s too young for something like this!”

“I know about sex, Mom,” Sean complained. “I’ve known about it since about third grade.”

“That doesn’t mean we don’t need to talk about all this.”

“Nooo,” they both chimed in.

Corry sat up with a look of panic. “We know all about this stuff, Mom. Dad’s a perv, and we don’t need to be like him.”

“There’s more to it than that.”


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