Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,45

Corry. The man nodded his head over in my direction as he announced, “Your girl Frankie is here to see ya.”

Widow didn’t respond. Instead, he walked over to me and asked, “You find the place okay?”

“I found it just fine.” I looked over to Corry as I asked, “You want to tell me what is going on?”

“Nothing, Mom.” He nodded his head towards the men sitting at the counter. “Widow just gave me a ride.”

“A ride from where?”

His eyes dropped to the ground—a clear sign he knew he was going to be in trouble as he answered, “The park.”

“What were you doing at the park, Corry? You know you’re grounded.”

“Yeah. I know.” He turned and glanced over his shoulder, grimacing when he saw that the men were watching us. “Can we just go? I’ll explain everything when we get home.”

“We can go, but you might as well get ready. You and I are going to have a very long talk.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I looked over to Widow and shook my head. “I don’t even know what to think about all this.”

“Talk to him.” He showed not so much as a sliver of emotion as he continued, “If you have any questions about anything, you have my number.”

“Okay. Thanks.” I gave Corry a nudge. “You ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here.”

I glanced back at Widow one last time, then headed back out the door. As we walked towards the car, I was surprised to find someone standing next to the passenger side door. As I got closer, I saw it was the man who was standing guard at the gate, and he was talking to Sean. “I started off with a Honda dirt bike, and then I worked my way up to a Yamaha. Had that for a few years until I finally managed to get my hands on my Harley. She still needs a little work, but she’ll be badass when I’m done with her.”

“That’s awesome.” Sean didn’t seem to notice when Corry and I got in the car next to him. “I’m gonna try to talk Mom into getting me a dirt bike for my birthday.”

“Not a chance, bud.”

“Why not?” Sean fussed. “Danny got his when he was my age, weren’t ya, Danny?”

The man standing next to my car nodded as he answered, “Yeah. Pretty much, but I was a country kid. Had lots of room to ride and crash without having to worry about running over anyone, ya know?”

“Yeah. I get it.”

“Okay, you two. We’ve gotta get going.” I leaned forward so I could get a better view of Danny as I said, “Thanks for looking out for Sean while I was inside.”

“No problem. You folks be careful gettin’ home.”

“We will.”

I rolled up Sean’s window, then backed out of the parking lot. As soon as we drove through the gate, I glanced up at my rear-view mirror so I could see Corry’s face as I asked, “How in the world did you end up with Widow tonight?”

“He saw me at the park and stopped to say hi.”

“The park? What were you doing at the park? Your dad said you were at Sean’s basketball practice!”

“I was, but I left.”

“You just up and left? What the hell were you thinking? You’re still grounded!”

“I know, but I didn’t want to sit there and watch Sean’s stupid practice.” Trying to sound innocent, he explained, “So, I went to the park to hang out with Evan and Jace.”

“Oh, that’s great, Corry. The two boys you just got in trouble with.”

“It wasn’t a big deal, Mom. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Uh, wrong,” I scolded. “For one, you were and still are grounded, and then you left without telling me. I had no idea where you were! I was worried sick!”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean to scare ya.”

“Well, you did.” When we pulled up in our driveway, I parked, then immediately turned back to face Corry. “I just don’t understand why he didn’t just bring you on home. The park is just a block away from the house. Why did he take you to his clubhouse?”

“He was going to, but he got a phone call.” Corry’s eyes filled with worry as he said, “I’m pretty sure one of his brothers got hurt or something.”

“How do you know that?”

“I overheard some of the guys talking. It sounded like one of them got beat up pretty bad, and you should’ve heard them. They were all kinds of pissed about it.” Corry unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door.

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