Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,23

rear parking lot. I pulled up next to it, and I’d barely gotten parked when I spotted the spare. I’d already decided I wasn’t going to talk to Frankie, but I couldn’t just leave there—not without doing something. I sat there stewing for God knows how long when I finally decided what to do. I grabbed a scrap sheet of paper and wrote her a note, reminding her to get the spare taken care of. I got out of the truck and stepped over to her car. I’d just slipped the note under her windshield wiper when I heard Sean shout, “Hey, Widow!”

Hoping it was just my mind playing tricks on me, I slowly turned and found Sean racing in my direction. “Hey there, Sean. How’s it going, man?”

“Pretty good.” He stopped and inhaled a deep breath before asking, “What are you doing here?”

“Came by to see about your mom’s tire.”

“Oh, yeah. She’s been meaning to get around to that, but she never has the time for stuff like that.”

“I see that.” I could’ve left it at that and just left, but I didn’t. For some reason, I couldn’t just blow him off, so I told him, “She mentioned she had a lot on her plate.”

“Yeah, she does. I think it stresses her out sometimes.” He leaned in closer as he whispered, “Sometimes it gets to her, and she sneaks outside and smokes cigarettes. She thinks we don’t know, so it’s kind of a secret.”

“Mums the word.” The kid was something else. He was open and honest, and funny as hell. Nothing like I was as a kid. I was always quiet and withdrawn, never wanting anyone to get too close. Sean clearly didn’t have that problem. “What about you? What are you up to?”

“Just getting some lunch with mom.” He glanced back at the shop as he said, “I told her I thought I saw you.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, she sounded kinda surprised.”

“I’m sure she did.”

The words had no sooner left my mouth when Sean announced, “Here she comes. I better get inside before she starts griping.”

“Alright. See ya later.”

Sean darted off towards his mother. After they spoke for a brief moment, he went inside the coffee shop while Frankie continued walking towards me. Damn. She looked incredible. She was wearing jeans and a fitted shirt with sneakers, and her long, dark hair was down around her shoulders. Confusion crossed her beautiful face as she asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I was in the neighborhood.”

“Um-hmm.” She motioned her hand towards the windshield of her car. “So instead of coming inside to try out my coffee and say hi, you decided to just leave a note on my car?”

“Pretty much.”

When I didn’t say anything more, she placed her hand on her hip and asked, “So, what does this note say?”

I took it off the windshield and opened it where she could see it. Her eyes dropped to the paper as she read:

Don’t forget to take care of that spare. Dangerous to drive on it.


Her brows furrowed as she said, “You came by here because of my spare? Really?”

“Told you the other night you needed to take care of it.”

“Yeah, I remember. I just haven’t had a chance to get to it.”

“Yeah, Sean mentioned you had a lot going on, but it’s really important that you get to it.”

She stood there studying me for a minute, then said, “You seem oddly concerned about my tire. Any particular reason why?”

“Just hate to see you and the kid stranded again. That’s all.”

“Um-hmm. You’re right...I’d get it done today, but I only have the one car, and I have to be here until four-thirty.” Those crystal blue eyes locked on mine, and it was all I could do to keep myself from reaching for her and taking her into my arms. What the fuck was that? I didn’t feel like this for anyone, especially a complete fucking stranger, but it was clear that I’d developed some kind of weakness for Frankie Sullivan—a weakness I had absolutely no control over. “I’m not sure I can get to the tire place before it closes.”

Before I thought about what I was saying, I replied, “I could fix it.”


“I’d have to double check, but I’m pretty sure it just needs a plug.”

“I don’t want to put you out.”

She’d given me an out. This thing could’ve been done right then and there, but instead of just walking away, my big fucking mouth said, “I’m the one who offered.”

“Okay. If you’re sure

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