Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,15

kind of impression on her finger showing where a ring might’ve been. I knew then she wasn’t married. She’d just said it in hopes of getting rid of me. Not that it mattered. After tonight, I’d never see either of them again.

“Well, you’re all set.” As I closed her trunk, I looked to them both and said, “Took a little longer than ten minutes, but hopefully, you’ll still have time to go grab dinner.”

“We definitely will.”

“Guess that husband of yours is gonna be making a wasted trip.”

“Oh, about that. I kind of just said that because...”

“I got it.” I knew why she’d said it, and under the circumstances, I didn’t blame her. I motioned my head towards her tire as I said, “The spare isn’t in the best shape, so you’ll want to get that flat fixed as soon as you can.”

“Okay.” Frankie’s tone was warm and sincere as she told me, “Thanks for your help, Widow. We both really appreciate it.”

“No problem. You two be careful getting home.”

“We will.” As they started to get inside the car, Frankie stopped and looked back in my direction. She studied me for a moment, then gave me a quick wave of her hand. “Thanks again.”

I gave her a nod, then walked over and got on my bike. I’d just started to put on my helmet when Frankie’s car whipped out onto the highway and headed towards town. I was just about to start the engine when I noticed something on the ground where Frankie had been parked. Curiosity got the best of me, so I got off my bike and went to check it out. As I got closer, I saw that it was a wallet. Concerned it might belong to Frankie, I reached down and picked it up. Sure enough, as soon as I opened it, I saw her driver’s license and several of her credit cards.

I couldn’t just leave it there on the road, so I carried it back to my bike and tossed it into my saddlebag. Seconds later, I was on my bike and on my way home. I’d like to say that my unexpected encounter with Frankie and her son was quickly forgotten. It wasn’t. Seemed I couldn’t get either of them out of my head, especially Frankie. I think it was those mesmerizing, crystal-blue eyes. Damn. I could’ve swum in them for days, but I had no business even thinking about a woman like her. When it came to women, I didn’t do relationships. I just did sex—quick and dirty.

I got home, and after a long, therapeutic shower, I climbed into bed and called it a night. Sleep didn’t come easy. I spent most of the night tossing and turning. I couldn’t stop thinking about that damn wallet in my saddlebag. It was almost like the fucking thing was calling to me as it drew me out of bed and out to my bike. I pulled it out of my saddle bag and looked at her license. I wasn’t sure if the address was still valid, so I sent Menace, the club’s computer whiz, a text and asked him to check it out. Without waiting for his response, I went back inside and returned to my bed, hoping I could get at least a couple of hours of sleep before work. It was something I’d need to do if I was going to survive a Friday night. They were always the busiest at the strip club, and busy often meant handsy assholes and unnecessary altercations.

I’d been asleep for a couple of hours when my burner started to ring. I grabbed it from my nightstand, and without bothering to check to see which brother was calling, I answered, “Yeah. Whatcha need?”

“Who’s this Frances Sullivan chick?”

“Nobody.” I wasn’t one to ask about chicks, any chicks, so I couldn’t blame Menace for being curious why I’d asked for his help with Frankie. “I just need to know if the address is correct.”

“Well, this nobody is fucking hot, brother. Really hot.”

“Irrelevant, brother. Just need to know about the address.”

“Um-hmm,” he muttered, sounding more than a little skeptical. “She’s still living on Dogwood Lane, so you’re good to go.”

“Good deal. Thanks, brother.”

“Anytime...You’re working tonight, right?”

“Yeah, I’m off, but I can swing by if I need to.”

“Nah, we should be good. Rafe and Lynch will be coming in at nine.”

“Okay.” Before hanging up, I told him, “I’ll see ya in an hour.”

I tossed the burner back on the table and closed my

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