Wicked As You Wish (A Hundred Names for Magic #1) - Rin Chupeco Page 0,72

head. “We are grateful, milord, but I think we can avoid detection better if there are fewer of us moving around. I presume some of the Snow Queen’s minions still walk the lands?”

“Yes. Ice wolves and even an ogre, occasionally. Every now and then, we find a group of Deathless, no doubt unfortunate victims from nearby villages, but we let them be, as we can do little for them. Surely you cannot think that I would leave His Highness unprotected? Nightwalkers aside, some few groups of bandits do plague the areas closest to Lyonesse.”

“It’s His Highness’s decision that you do not,” Alex said firmly. “The Cheshire sent the Bandersnatches to aid me for good reason. They will be more than enough to protect me from what the Snow Queen has waiting. And I have the firebird, the one thing the Snow Queen fears. It will be a more than ample weapon.”

The count nodded, grudging respect in his voice. “You remind me a lot of your father, Your Highness, and your mother even more. You have their courage. I wish they were here today.”

The smile on Alex’s face wavered briefly, before holding strong. “You are too kind, milord.”

“Take as much rest as you need, at least. Proper introductions can wait until you’ve all enjoyed a good bath. My cook will have supper ready in an hour.”

Some effort had been made to make the upper rooms of Tintagel Castle opulent. Large paintings, heavy chintz, and other delicate evidences of wealth framed the walls. The rooms were only slightly musty from lack of use, and contrary to what the count had claimed, the beds were well turned and clean, the floors carefully swept. In Tala’s spacious room, a smaller door led into an adjoining room where a simple wooden tub stood, hot with steaming water, much to Tala’s relief. Hours spent hiking down rough, frozen trails was not something she was accustomed to, and her whole body ached.

“You sure you’re okay?” Alex muttered. The count had assigned them rooms adjacent to one another, and Tala was relieved he would be close by.

“This is the weirdest day I’ve ever had.”

He laughed. “You said you wanted to leave Invierno. Be careful what you wish for.”

“Aren’t you afraid, though? I mean, one minute we’re in Invierno, where practically nothing of note ever happens, and then the next we’re in a castle no one’s visited in more than a decade, trying to find a way to break a Snow Queen’s curse.”

“You forget,” Alex said quietly, “that I’ve been shunted around far longer than you, longer than I’ve lived in Invierno. I’m used to being afraid for most of my life, wondering if some assassin was going to find me regardless of where I hide. But this—I’m finally here, Tala. I’m finally in Avalon where I’m supposed to be, even when it’s full of frost and winter with the Snow Queen’s mark in every corner. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I can see an end. It’s better than running away.”

“Sorry. I didn’t think of it like that.” While she’d been at Invierno complaining about boredom, Alex had been running for his life since he was six years old.

He grinned at her. “Well, you’re getting what you wanted. This is about as adventurous as anyone can make it.” His smile faded. “You know, you could stay with the count if you want, while the rest of us go. You didn’t sign up for any of this.”

“If you think I’m going to sit quietly by,” Tala was quick to flare up, “then you don’t know me at all.”

He laughed. “I knew you were gonna say that, but I wanted to check. I’ll see you downstairs.”

He disappeared into his room, but Tala remained where she was for a few minutes, staring at his door with a frown. “I don’t know what I want, though,” she whispered into the near-darkness. “Not at all.”

Clothes had already been laid out on Tala’s bed—a heavy woolen cloak, a comfortable-looking linen shirt, dark wool pants, thick gloves, and even riding boots—all perfect for braving the raging winter outside. A quick look inside the bathroom showed her that the plumbing was modern instead of medieval, which was something to be thankful for. Tala wasted no time disrobing; a few minutes later and she was sinking happily into the water with a long sigh of contentment, leaning her head back against the curve of the tub and relishing the heat.

Something nudged at

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