Wicked As You Wish (A Hundred Names for Magic #1) - Rin Chupeco Page 0,46

you and His Highness should hightail it back to the sanctuary while we cover your asses.”

A large brown bear lumbered up, and Tala backpedaled several feet in panic. The animal blurred briefly, and where the bear once was, West now stood, peeking out from underneath his blanket of fur. “What’s wrong with your foot?” he asked Ken.

“I might have sort of broken a library,” the boy said. “It’s a long story.”

“I like stories.” West bowed politely to Alex. “Nice to meet you again, Your Royaltiness.” His face disappeared under the fur. The air darkened briefly, and a large tawny lion took his place, roaring and loping toward the direction of the ogre’s howls.

“How exactly do you ‘break’ a library?” Zoe asked, untying the whip from around her waist. It promptly changed color, now looking like it was made of an odd opaque glass that appeared nearly invisible at first glance, as if she were gripping something composed entirely of air.

“With lots of bookcases,” Ken said. “And an ogre, barreling into the wall. An actual, freaking ogre! When is the last time anyone has even seen an ogre? Behind you, Zo!”

Another shade had crept up behind them. The girl spun, rising on the tips of her toes. Her ethereal whip gleamed, and Tala saw sparks gathering around her body, following her movements. The cord whirled in the creature’s direction, and the collected currents slashed it through. Another shadow attempted to aid its brethren, and Zoe spun, the whip following her movements and coiling around her right leg. She leaped up and kicked, sending the length of its tail and the resulting whirlwind of lightning flying, tearing the shadow into ribbons.

“Ballet-fu,” Ken explained, grinning.

“Don’t be a hero, Ken,” Zoe warned. “We’re all supposed to get out of here in one piece.”

“But, Zoe,” the boy protested innocently, his eyes bright. “A hero is exactly what I want to be when I grow up.”

“If you ever grow up.”

Another loud roar told them the ogre had finally arrived. It took a step forward, and stopped as Loki blocked its path, swinging their staff with enough force to drive the steel deep into its shins, snapping sounds following in its wake. The ogre turned its head toward them, and Tala saw a pair of bloodshot eyes, cruel and bulging. The lion that had been West lunged, ripping into the immense legs with his teeth and claws.

Ken dashed forward. Tall as he was, the top of his head barely reached the ogre’s knees. Bright light issued forth from one of his swords. The ogre flinched, shielding his hands from the glare, even as the others continued to worry at his heels, inflicting deep cuts into the rough, leathery skin. The firebird had joined the fight, pelting the ogre’s hide with fire. The creature snarled and made a sudden grab for it, but the firebird ducked underneath its massive hands, flying just out of reach.

“Don’t let that thing get to His Highness!” Zoe warned.

To Tala’s horror, Loki bounded straight up, grabbing at the ogre’s knee to pull themselves up the beast. The ogre lifted its leg, trying to shake them off, but Loki had already latched on to its lower back. They hauled themselves up another several feet, literally climbing their way up the monster.

Battle cries echoed across the quad; the rest of Tala’s titos and titas had arrived, brandishing fans.

The ogre struggled, lifting one foot in front of the other, painstakingly closing the distance between them. It roared again, something incomprehensible, and lifted a large meaty fist the size of a boulder to slam against the concrete. The ground shuddered from the blow.

Her father brained a shade. “Get Tala out of here!” he ordered.

There was a tug at Tala’s elbow, insistent—Zoe, pulling her and Alex away from the fracas. “I can help!” she protested.

“I’m sure you can, but right now I’m following orders.”

Ken hacked at the coarse outstretched arm that had just missed him by inches. The sword shone again, and he swung it in an upward arc. This time, Tala clearly saw the thin streak of light that shot out from its tip, striking the ogre directly in the face. The smell of seared flesh sizzled through the air.

The ogre swiveled its head, distracted by the increase in combatants. As agile as a deer, Loki ran up the side of the ogre’s arm, bringing their staff down to crash against the side of the creature’s head, then somersaulting to cling to its back when the ogre

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