Wicked As You Wish (A Hundred Names for Magic #1) - Rin Chupeco Page 0,121

bubbling noises of the marsh grew louder, issuing out from the frog’s mouth that opened to reveal a dark empty cavern, a foul stench emanating from within. Two yellow eyes regarded them, malevolence overshadowed by a dreadful greed.

A tongue, dark and stained by the colors of the swamp, lashed out quickly from that deep, black hole, missing Alex by a few feet, to wind itself around a stunned Zoe’s waist.

More misshapen forms appeared, breaking through the thinner ice. All were smaller than the first toad, but nonetheless stood six or seven feet tall. They shook themselves free of the marshes, bounding toward the group. The horses whinnied in fear, rearing up to strike haplessly at the air with their hooves.

“It’s the bloody marsh king!” Without pause, Ken had drawn both his swords out. His first swing cut one frog right across its stomach. Thick brown liquid spurted out, and the stink worsened. The frog stumbled, croaking in a mixture of pain and surprise. A long tongue emerged from its mouth, but the boy evaded it and slashed at another of its companions. The sharp blade burrowed into their forms. But it was the darker blade, the Juuchi Yosamu, that held their fears; many of the creatures nearly stampeded over each other in their bid to avoid its blows.

Loki, handling their staff with great dexterity, sent a frog toppling forward with a well-placed thrust. “We have to get out of here! Now!”

West yanked the bear fur up over his head. There were ripping noises as cloth tore from the strain, and a large golden lion stood in his place, adding his own roars over the dreadful noises of the frogs.

The marsh king, however, showed no signs of lingering. With a loud croak, it plunged back into the muddy water it had burst out from, dragging the still struggling Zoe down with it.

“Zoe!” Tala cried out, running forward. One of the frogs raced for her, its mouth agape, intent on swallowing her up. Tala jerked to the right at the last minute, swinging her own arnis sticks, and the hideous creature crashed down awkwardly onto the ground, face-first.

There were sounds of more running from somewhere behind her, and she turned just in time to watch Cole jump, diving into the thick icy hole that both the toad and Zoe had disappeared into.

“Tala!” Loki yelled, as their staff lengthened and shot forward, right into one frog’s protruding eye. It emitted a thin piercing shriek. “Take the others and ride east! The exit to the swamps should be somewhere up ahead!”

“And leave you all here?” Nya cried, clinging to her horse. “You’re mad!”

“We’ll catch up to you soon!” A bright light streaked through the toads, Ken’s sharp blade following, and more high-pitched shrills rose.

Another frog leaped, but Tala dodged, rolling underneath its feet to scramble up, unhurt, behind it. She raised her hand without thinking.

There was a sizzling hiss as something slammed into the frog. Crackling electricity-like waves bristled around it, and the creature actually splintered—transforming from one angry dangerous toad into a hundred or so angry but now-harmless ones, ribbiting and hopping frantically in all directions at once.

“The agimat!” Ken yelled. “It’s short-circuiting the frogs! Do it again!”

Tala raced toward Ken, trying to remember what she did, pushing out her agimat at another amphibian much like the ring of cell phones she used to practice with back in Invierno. This frog, too, squeaked and dissolved into smaller, furious versions.

Realizing the new danger, the other toads began to flee, skidding into each other in their haste. One slammed into a few of the horses, all neighing in fright as they struggled to regain their footing. Packs came crashing onto the ground, spilling out food rations, changes of clothing—and the firebird.

Screeching, displeased at being so rudely awakened, the firebird glowed vehemently, strands of fire coursing through its wings as it prepared to attack.

“No!” Alex yelled. “Wait!”

Flames shot out, enveloping the toads. The air caught fire, the heat nearly unbearable, and the resulting explosion sent Tala flying straight into the dark, unforgiving swamp. It was the last thing she remembered, before the waters closed in over her head.


In Which the “Wife” Isn’t Having Any of That

Foul water choked the scream out of Zoe’s lungs. She fought madly with her arms and legs, trying to struggle free of the large scaly tongue wrapped around her. The waters were muddy and tasted of rot. She could see nothing beyond a few inches. Everything here was a steady and

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