Wicked (Wild, Wicked and Wanton #2) - Jaci Burton Page 0,3

dropping her keys in her purse.

Asshole. Her body was still vibrating from his touch, the way he whispered dark promises in her ear with his deep, husky voice, enticing her toward an orgasm she was all too eager to have at his hands.

Never. Never, never, never. Once she gave up her power to a man, she’d never be in charge of her destiny again. And Rand was alpha to the core, the kind to wrestle control away from her and stomp her freedom right into the ground. He was nothing like the men she usually dated. Nothing. The men she chose were men she could manage.

Tossing thoughts of Rand into the gentle summer breeze, she walked through the unlocked front door of Callie’s modest little house, announcing her arrival. “I’m here!”

“You’re late!” Callie called from the kitchen.

“I know!” She grinned and wandered into the kitchen, thrilled to see a laughing Abby parked at the island counter. She threw her arms around Abby and gave her a huge hug. “Looks like you survived your wild weekend.”

“She sure did,” Callie said. “She’s been smiling like that since she got here, but she won’t tell me a damn thing.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault Blair’s late.”

“Guilty as charged,” Blair said, pulling up a stool at the counter. She grabbed one of the mimosas Callie slid in her direction and took a long swallow of the cool liquid, hoping it would douse the fire burning inside her. “But it wasn’t my fault. I was . . . waylaid on my drive over.”

Callie arched a dark brow. “Really.”

“Yeah. Rand McKay was fucking with me.”

“Oooh. In a good way, I hope,” Abby said, wagging her eyebrows.

“No. Just fucking with me in his normal annoying as hell way.”

Abby and Callie exchanged knowing glances.

“Oh, you two quit looking at each other like that. And don’t even start on me and Rand. You know damn well I’m not the least bit interested in him. He’s like a pesky brother.”

Callie snorted. “Yeah, right. I don’t think so.”

“We are not here to discuss me. I want to hear about Abby’s wild weekend with Mike and Seth. How did it go?”

Abby’s face flushed with the cutest blush. “It was . . . phenomenal.”

Callie squealed. “I knew it!”

Blair nodded. “So did I. So, details, woman, details! At the club they were both drooling over you, and we saw you outside on the balcony with them. Dayum. What woman wouldn’t have multiple orgasms over attention like that from two men?”

Abby laid her elbows on the counter and palmed her face. “I can barely even think about it now without flushing with heat. I can’t even describe what that night was like other than to say it fulfilled every single fantasy I’d ever had—and then some. They were magnificent.”

Blair laid her hand over Abby’s. “Well, it’s about time you got laid.”

Abby’s eyelashes fluttered down, and she clasped her hands together. “Oh, it went way beyond just sex, Blair. Way beyond.”

“There’s more? Come on, girl. Spill,” Callie demanded.

When Abby looked back at them, her eyes were filled with tears. “I fell in love.”

“You’re joking,” Blair said.

“No, I’m not.”

Abby filled them in on what transpired over the weekend and the following week. Everything, including her individual reactions to both Mike and Seth and her run-in with Chad at the casino. By the time she’d finished, it made perfect sense to Blair. “Of course you’re in love. Seth is the ideal man for you, and Mike isn’t. Mike is sexually overpowering—fun to play with but not a man to have a relationship with. Seth is everything you should have had the first time around, but instead you ended up with Chad, the lying, cheating, whoring son of a bitch.”

“Oh, honey. I’m so damn happy for you!” Callie hurried around the counter and enveloped Abby in a hug.

Even Blair had to admit to blinking away a few tears. Okay, she was downright thrilled for Abby. And admittedly, more than a little envious that a bet in order to have a little sex had turned into a love match for one of her best friends.

So they spent the afternoon wildly celebrating Abby’s newfound love while she filled them in about what was next for her—namely graduation and starting out her new career as a veterinarian while finding her way in her relationship with Seth.

By the time they were kicked back in Callie’s living room, Blair had relaxed and had a good buzz going. She propped her feet on the worn wood

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