Wicked (Somerset University #2) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,29

things are getting us where we want to be. If the goal is promoting healthy habits or education, there are plenty of ways we can do that and have fun. Isn’t there a middle option between the path of most resistance and the least?”

It was a strong, lively debate. We went back and forth until the plates were clean and every last drop was drunk. By the time we called it quits, there were two distinct camps, one for the old and one for the new, but each side was willing to say the other made good points.

“Night, Sof.” I kissed her cheek at the bottom of the stairs. “See you tomorrow. Let’s grab lunch before my modern dance class.”

She nodded. “Night.”

I made it out of the door and down the porch before I heard someone call my name.

“Val.” Blair jogged out of the house. “Hold up.”

“What’s up?”

“I wanted to say thanks for in there. Backing me up and supporting my ideas. You didn’t have to do that. And I didn’t have to act like a bitch when you first said you wanted to run.” Her lips quirked in a half smile. “It’s kind of my default setting.”

“I know that by now,” I teased.

She chuckled. “But it’s not yours. You’ve always been a good friend to me, Val, even when I didn’t deserve it. And I was thinking...”


“No one is running for vice president. If you or I win, we could be each other’s. I think we’d make a good team.”

I hummed, considering it. Blair was Blair but she did care about the house and our ideas for the house were mostly aligned. This actually wasn’t the worst idea.

Also, if I don’t become president, then being close to the president is the next best thing.

“All right,” I said. “I’d love to.”


We said goodbye and I continued home.

It was late, creeping close to ten. The mansion was dark and quiet. I padded upstairs in the direction of Adam’s room. The rare times I wasn’t there to put him to bed, Adam charmed one of the guys or Caroline to stay with him until he fell asleep. They all claimed they tried the “you’re a big boy now, you can sleep by yourself” argument, but Adam’s powers of persuasion were disturbingly strong for his age.

I poked my head inside and had to stifle a laugh. My son still had full command of his gift as Jaxson had been chosen as his pillow that night. He rested contentedly on his chest, out like a light. As I stepped closer, Jaxson shifted and his blue eyes blinked at me through the dark.

“Hey,” he whispered.

“Hi.” I eased onto the bed.

“I’m trapped,” he explained. “The little man threatens to wake up every time I move, and I can’t go to sleep without an alarm.”

“You are trapped.”

His eyes got huge. “Help me.”

I covered my mouth, holding in a giggle. “How? If we wake him up, he’ll just follow us to our bedroom. I’m afraid you’re sleeping on Superman sheets tonight.” I gave him a soft peck. “But I’ll wake you up tomorrow so you won’t be late.”

I drew back and he caught my wrist. “I’ll have a few more of those first.”

Snuggling in, we shared sweet kisses. We had more responsibilities than ever hanging over our heads, not to mention dangers we didn’t understand. Still, lying in that bed with Jaxson and my son after a day dancing, learning, and working to better the Sallys, I felt a peace deep within me.

Everything is going to be okay. I’m looking forward to this year, the good I’ll do for Zeta Rho, and the memories we’ll make as a family.

Chapter Four


“Wake up, man.”

Something hit me in the face.

“Get your slacker ass to work.”

I peeled my eyes open. Standing over me, holding one of Adam’s toy soldiers, was Ezra. “What the hell?” I griped.

“It’s almost six. Get up.”

Glancing down, I noticed I was kid-free. At some point in the night, Adam rolled into Val’s arms. The two of them didn’t stir.

“I’m up,” I whispered. “Thanks.”

“No problem. I figured you’d need someone else to be your alarm.”

I rolled out of bed and trudged out. “Coffee,” I said to no one in particular. “Lots of coffee.”

Dad was ready and waiting for his breakfast when I walked into his office an hour later.

I set the bags and coffee carrier in front of him. He reached for the biggest cup.

“That’s mine,” I said, passing him the other one. “I need every drop.”

“You look beat

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