Wicked Princess - Ashley Jade Page 0,54

I tried to help the kid by letting him see that his own brother was stabbing him in the back.”

Head whirling, my hand tightens around my fork.

I’m going to kill him.

Stone helps himself to a second portion of stuffing. “You’re one to talk.”

Tommy rolls his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re still upset about that Mercedes bitch. Like I said, I did you a favor.” He winks at me. “Plus, you got yourself this fine piece of ass now.”

The tendons in Stone’s neck strain. “Shut up, Tommy.”

Reaching over, Tommy slaps him on the back. “Relax, man. You know I’m just teasing.” He zeros in on me again. “By the way, please send Dylan my condolences.”

Needless to say, I’m confused. “Condolences for what?”

Winking, he shovels more food into his yap. “For shacking up with your piece of shit brother—”

“Jesus Christ,” Stone snaps. “Will you shut the fuck up?”

I eye the knife Stone used to carve the burnt turkey and debate plunging it through his chest.

“You know what? You’re right, I’m being a dick.” He holds up his glass. “Let’s toast to the happy couple.”

Begrudgingly, Stone and his mom hold up their glasses.

I, however, don’t move a muscle.

The douchebag notices. “Awe, come on.” I want to wipe the stupid grin off his face. “Don’t be like that. We’re practically family now.”

The piece of dog crap will never be my family.

Switching gears, he drawls, “For what it’s worth, I’m happy you survived that car accident.” He whistles. “Too bad that Hayley chick didn’t. I heard they found her body parts scattered all over—”

My stomach recoils and I close my eyes.

“Thomas,” his mother hisses. “We are at the dinner table.”

“You’re right, Ma. I’m sorry.” Wiping his mouth with his napkin, he states, “Anyway, I heard you two used to dyke out—”

“Goddammit,” Stone grunts, looking like he’s a hair away from losing his shit entirely. “For fuck’s sake, stop.”

Finally, the asshole relents, turning his attention to his brother. “How’s school going? Did you get into that pre-med program?”

Stone takes a lengthy sip of his drink. “I won’t find out for another couple of months.”

“Don’t worry.” He squeezes his shoulder. “You’re smart as hell, brother. You got this.”

Despite his irritation, Stone beams a little.

Tommy flicks his gaze to me. “But I’m guessing if he doesn’t, you’re gonna dump his ass, huh?”

Jesus. The nerve of him.


“What?” He points his fork at me. “We all know the only reason someone like you is with Stone is because he’s going places.”

He chews his food slowly, methodically. Like he’s conjuring up his next brutal jab. Unfortunately, it’s aimed at Stone.

“Don’t come crying to me when she gets tired of slumming it and moves on to another sucker.” Taking a sip of his beer, he narrows his eyes. “That’s just how girls like her operate.”

Stone looks down at his plate.

It’s clear Tommy hit a nerve.

I thought I could do this. I figured if Stone could shoulder what my brothers put him through, I could be strong enough to withstand dealing with his.

But I can’t.

Not when he’s hurting someone I care about.

“You’re a real piece of work, Tommy.” Standing up, I toss my napkin in my dish. “I know you don’t understand the concept because you have a cactus where your heart should be, but I’m in love with your brother. And neither you nor your stupid insults will change how I feel about him.”

With that, I stalk off to the bathroom so I can splash some cool water on my face and remind myself that committing homicide is wrong.

I’m fixing my lipstick when the latch on the door clicks.

“I’ll be done in a min—”

Words die in my throat when I see Tommy. “Well, if it isn’t the little Covington whore.”

I’m on my last thread with the douchebag. “Eat shit and die.”

I go to brush past him, but he stands in front of the door, blocking it.

“Get out of my way.”

He doesn’t budge. “Relax. I just want to talk.”

Somehow, I highly doubt that. “Fine. Let’s talk about what an asshole—”

“Do you really love my brother?”

His question rattles me. Not because of what he’s asking, but the sincerity behind it. As if he’s actually concerned for Stone’s welfare.

He doesn’t deserve it, but I give him the truth anyway. “Yes.” I meet his eyes. “I really do.”

Blowing out a breath, he nods. “Okay.”

I attempt to leave again but he presses me up against the sink, keeping me there with the force of his body.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I try to push him away,

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