Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,47

not.” He moved past Viktor and left the building.

“What was Jared doing here?” Viktor asked as he shut the door. “And what’s up with your hair?”

“Never mind my hair, we need to talk.” I started to rub my forehead like I had a headache.

“What’s going on?” He looked almost scared.

“Viktor, please tell me that you aren’t keeping anything from me. I mean, you would tell me if you were, right?” I couldn’t meet his eyes. For some reason it scared the hell out of me.

“Sloane, I left for a couple hours to find your ex. You knew that already.” He eyed me.

“OK, but if there is something, this is your final warning. I want the truth.” I left him sitting there as I walked to the bathroom getting ready to shower. As I went to shut the door, Viktor stopped me.

“How did we go wrong so fast? Did Jared say something to upset you?”

“Jared says a lot of things. I guess we will have to see if what he say is true.” I went to shut the door again and he wouldn’t let the door budge.

“Then tell me what he said.” He was mad now.

“There’s no reason. You said there was nothing to tell. So excuse me while I get ready for work tonight.” With that, he finally let me close the door.

I made sure I took a long hot shower. I planned on letting him stew over everything. I realized that things had happened fast, but lies were something I wouldn’t tolerate from anyone. To me, if you withheld information, it was still a lie.

I draped the towel around me and wrapped my hair up as well. Viktor remained in the living room to give me my space, I imagined. I replaced the towel with my robe and went through the routine of getting ready for work. It was weird seeing the blonde hair back. I hadn’t worn my natural color in years and I was surprised it still looked good. Shay would be pleased for sure. After I was finished putting on all my makeup and tending to my hair, I emerged from the bathroom.

Viktor caught sight of me and I could’ve sworn he forgot to breathe. I hid my smile. He jumped up and walked into my bedroom area as I got dressed. As I shimmied into my skirt and my tube top, I felt a hand pull on a strand of hair.

“What made you want to change your hair? I thought the black was sexy.”

“I don’t know. Just thought it was time for a change.” I sat on the bed as I slipped on my shoes.

“You look like you did in your old photos.” I sensed a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

“No, I just think it’s odd that you changed it.” There it was.

I couldn’t help but laugh at this moment. He was jealous. I was going to have too much fun with this tonight. I knew there was something he was hiding and if he wanted to play games, I’d just have to show him how to play.

“Time for work.” I popped off the bed and walked over to grab my coat and purse. “Are you coming?” I glanced over my shoulder as he stood there watching me. “So when are we to expect Declan?”

I could see the fire brewing in his eyes. Viktor wanted to unleash something that resembled fury. I smiled to myself in triumph. Serves him right, I thought to myself.

“I’m sure he will pop up at some point. He can’t seem to stay away as it is. I can’t imagine why.” He walked past me and through the door as I held it open.

We made it all the way to the club without speaking. Well, without me speaking at least. His comments went something like, “Do you think that skirt is short enough? There’s no way you are going to bend over in that. Do you feel a draft yet?” I just kept quiet and walked faster before my blood pressure got any higher. As soon as I got to the club, I sat my stuff on the bar and walked over to Jared’s office.

“I will be just a minute,” I told Viktor, leaving him standing there by himself as I closed the door.

“Um, can I help you with something?” Jared asked.

“No, just killing time,” I said as I sat on his couch.

“Ah, I get it. He didn’t tell you, did he?” Jared reclined

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