Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,42

give her up.”

This was getting intense. Viktor and Declan faced off as if in a staring match. Which one was good and which one was evil I hadn’t decided and I wondered what side I was on. One thing was for sure, though. They both were on mine.

“Why am I so important to either side?” Their attention was suddenly on me. “I mean, you said I tip the balance. There is obviously a Heaven and Hell, so God and the Devil have to exist.” Their eyes widened at my mention of the Devil. “What aren’t you telling?”

“Tell her, Viktor,” Declan coaxed.

“Why don’t you tell her?” Viktor fired back.

“Why don’t you both shut the hell up and spill it? Declan, tell me.”

“There’s a prophecy about a child who will be born and will lead an unholy army against the heavens. She’d carry the blood of not only witchcraft but of light and dark. She’d lead and be the Dark’s companion. ” Declan was no longer looking at me.

This was a lot to process. I’d just discovered that I was a witch, I might be part of a prophecy, and my life partner was already picked out. I felt myself begin to shake. The idea that my life had already been planned out for me without my say made my blood boil.

“So I’m a witch that is supposed to lead an army, have the power of light and darkness, and be a companion to the Dark.? Wow! I think I need another drink to help this sink in.”

“Here.” Viktor handed me a glass of brown liquid. I took a sip and downed the rest. It was the left over Crown.

I caught his hand. “Who is the Dark? Is it you?” I saw Declan looking away.

“No, I’m not. I’m afraid I’m a little bit lower on the pay scale compared to him.” His hand cupped my cheek. I was scared, because that wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “It doesn’t have to come true. We just have to come up with a plan.”

“That’s why she needs to leave with me now,” Declan demanded.

“You will not just take her and leave. You need to realize you aren’t in the picture anymore? She’s with me and I will protect her,” Viktor argued.

There was sarcasm in Declan’s voice. “I’m sure you would too—”

“Hello, I’m still here. I don’t know what the hell you two are arguing about, but I’m not going into hiding.”

“Sloane, you don’t understand. His side wants you to lead an army that I know you want nothing to do with and my side just wants you dead. If you deny either side, you won’t survive.” Declan was actually worried.

“I don’t care, Declan. I know who I am. I know right from wrong and I refuse to get involved.”

This time it was Viktor’s turn. “You got involved when you were born.”

I spun on him, “Really? Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but no one has ever been able to pick their parents and destiny in that manner. I never asked for it and I damn sure don’t want it now.”

“It doesn’t matter. You are who you are and nothing will change that. You have to understand that Darkness will consume you if you use your power for the wrong use.” Declan now stood in front of me, tempting me with his eyes. They were beautiful ice blue eyes that used to gleam every time he looked at me. They didn’t gleam or twinkle anymore as he looked at me. So how did I know I could trust him? He had yet to give back what he stole from me the first time.

I blinked myself back into reality. “This is where I belong.” I backed up and placed my hand into Viktor’s. Declan stormed out and I didn’t watch him go. Instead, I cleaned up and I gathered my stuff from upstairs.

Chapter 11

I didn’t look for Declan as I topped the stairs to my bedroom. Instead, I made a point to stay away from looking out across the property to see if I could spot him. I knew he was gone, though. Considering that he was a supernatural creature with uncharted speed, he could be in town already. All I had were the clothes I came here in and they smelt horrible.

I opened the closet to see if there was something decent inside. Rummaging through some clothes, something fell to the ground. It was a collapse duel picture frame and I knew too well which

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