Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,33

offered his cash for it, I shook my head no. Though, he placed a twenty dollar bill in the tip jar anyway. I couldn’t even look at Viktor, because I wasn’t sure if my eyes would betray me.

“Can you stay right here for a moment and let me get something out of my purse?”

“Sure. Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I’m great. I got a headache and needed some Excedrin.” I walked off and gave him a quick kiss, smiling to smooth everything over. He smiled back, but he wasn’t fooled.

I grabbed my purse and pretended to look for anything so it wouldn’t make my getaway seem obvious. There was nothing in my purse but lip gloss and my wallet that contained everything. Finally, my breathing slowed and I was ready to return. I leisurely walked back and Viktor stood at the other end of the bar looking sexy as ever. What was I panicking for? I mean, Declan left me and here is a guy, or Fallen Angel, waiting for me. Declan could eat his heart out.

“I just realized that was Le Blue Eyes.”

“Yeah, about that, you have nothing to worry about because he left years ago and it’s, well, over.”

“I wasn’t worried about that.” Viktor wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a long kiss, only to be interrupted but someone clearing their throat.

“Um, Viktor, I need you to tear away from your girlfriend and help me out, please.” Dale was so professional while he was at work. Never mind the fact he couldn’t keep his hands to himself where Mindy was concerned.

“Sure.” Viktor smiled at him. “What can I say, she’s adorable.” Now he had me laughing.

I watched him pace around with Dale, and Dale winked at Mindy as he passed by. Since I told Shay not to come in tonight, which I regretted now, Mindy took her place next to me. When she finished serving her last customer, she sat next to me on the beer cooler.

“So, who was that?”

I let out a sigh, “It was my ex from about three years ago. I haven’t seen him since he left.”

“Ah, unfinished business. Do you still love him?”

“Love him? Yeah, there will always be love, but he shattered my heart. I mean, shattered. If it wasn’t for Shay I wouldn’t have gotten through all those years.”

“You and Shay are pretty close, huh?”

“You can say that.” I laughed because it was totally obvious she was my sister. Maybe not in blood, but she was family.

“Does she know about everything?”

“She knows that my eyes change with my moods, but not the new strength I have now. And for some reason I have these dreams that seem so real.”

“Sounds like common witch traits.”


“Yeah, those are common, but it sounds like you also have Fae ancestors as well. Then you went from having an angel boyfriend to a Fallen. Girl, you are straight bad.”

“So you know what Viktor is?”

“Yes, I know what Viktor and your other boyfriend are. Technically, they are brothers if you think about it.”

“Wait, so Declan is an angel?”

“Wow, we are going to have to hang out more. Look, we creatures have this ‘thing’ that can predict what a person is. It’s like a seventh sense. I say seventh because everyone has a sixth. I’ll teach you.”

“OK, sure, just tell me when.” And maddeningly enough, we were interrupted again and this time by Declan.

“So, um, that’s your boyfriend?”

“Wow, really? After all these years, that’s what you have to say? Wait, before I get rude, let me introduce you to Mindy. Mindy, this is Declan, the one that was a selfish coward that left me to perfect his disappearing act. I’m assuming he just learned how to reappear. How amazing!” I was in total bitch mode and it wasn’t funny. Mindy leaned over and shook Declan’s hand.

“Look, I tried to talk to you the other day when I saw you, but you ran.”

“Are you serious right now? Declan, I think you need to go. In fact, I would run if I were you. I’m not as nice as I used to be.” I had no idea how mad I was until the bottle in my hand broke. It must have been loud enough for Dale and Viktor to notice, because they both flanked Declan’s left and right side.

“Do we need to continue this conversation outside?” asked Viktor.

“I think he needs some fresh air. What do you think, Sloane?” Dale looked at Declan, but spoke to me.

Declan kept his eyes

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