Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,24

with my ear buds. I walked through my secret opening and began to uncover all the brushes and paints. I grabbed a blank canvas and looked at it, trying to envision what I needed to paint. Nothing came to mind at the moment, so I set it on the easel and went to mixing and cleaning as I put my ear buds in. Once everything was organized, I turned one last time and a vision of icy blue eyes flashed in my head. Without thinking, I took out a charcoal pencil and traced out the actual image before I started painting.

I carefully mixed colors to get the right color of the skin tone and the perfect color of the pair of eyes.Then I began to add in all of the colors. I added the black and white in the certain areas that accented the partial face feature so that it brought out the eyes. I had to get them right; something about them just had to be perfect. I wasn’t aware of the time that had past and was taken completely off guard when I happened to look up and saw Viktor standing in my studio. I dropped everything that was in my hand and screamed.

“What the hell are you doing in here?”

“You left your door unlocked and I wanted to see what you were doing. Sloane, why didn’t you tell me?” He slowly walked over to me, but this was my space and mine only. He had to go.

“You can’t be in here. Get out!”

He walked over to what I was painting, and it was finished. Not realizing it at the moment, but the eyes looked angry, hurt, and betrayed. Not to mention they were looking right at me as if I was the one to make them appear that way. As Viktor spoke, he brought me out of my trance.

“Those aren’t mine.” He was referring to the eyes and he was right. They weren’t his sexy grey-colored eyes.

“They were stuck in my head.” I started to panic as realization took over. It was Declan. I threw paint thinner on it, and then it started to happen. I felt everything change and Viktor had to go before he saw the real me.

I covered my face with my paint-stained hands and tried to push Viktor out, but he wasn’t budging at all. He was acting like a stone wall. The anger in me began to build. All because he’d seen one of my secrets, and there were two more. One of them was about to be revealed if he didn’t leave now.

“What are you doing?” he asked as I tried to make my way to the bathroom on the other side. But he wouldn’t let me pass. “Look at me, Sloane!”

And I did.

“Is this what you want to see? This freak?” Tears threatened to spill, but I wouldn’t allow them.

With so much that was bottled up, I didn’t even realize it happened until it was over. Viktor went in to hold me and instead I rejected him. When I say I rejected him it was more like projected him. I threw him straight across the room and the objects around me began to swirl around the room like there was a tornado inside the studio. I covered my face with my hands and began to cry as I sank to the floor. I just wanted it all to stop. Everything I touched seemed to turn to shit. I didn’t want any of it and I wanted to be rid of it.

I laid there for some time, holding my face and praying I wouldn’t have to watch Viktor walk out. Why would he want to stay? And then I felt someone pulling me into their lap, holding me and then slowly rocking me.

“Just leave now before I hurt you.” He hugged me even tighter.

“Haven’t you realized that I’m not leaving?” Victor pulled my chin up so that I could look at him. My eyes were different; I already knew that and he smiled at me. “Red. That means raw passion and anger, if I’m not mistaken.”

“You aren’t afraid of me?” I couldn’t help but fidget with my hands while waiting for his swift exit.

“Do you want me to show you a trick?” I looked at him, not in understanding, but nodded anyway.

Viktor shut his eyes and everything around me began to move on its own. All the spilt paint, brushes, and everything that was broken was put back together. The wind

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