Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,19

on and left one solid track as I left the parking lot.

Damn it! I thought to myself. Why does this always happen to me? Do I not deserve to have one ounce of happiness?

I drove uptown and then did a U-turn to take me back towards the downtown area. Driving was probably the best therapy for me. It must’ve been the feeling of being in control that was soothing to me. Well, I brought my camera, so I might as well take some pictures. I took a shortcut to take me to Lake Oliver. I drove to the top of the hill, above the docks, to see if there was anything worth capturing. Nothing was going on, so I drove back down town towards the river walk. I knew I’d catch something there.

Pulling up at the Coca Cola Space Center, I parked my bike and looked around. I retrieved my camera and saw some kids playing in the water. I immediately started taking pictures. It was two little blonde kids, a boy and a girl, and they must have been siblings. At that moment, I envied them. I never had that luxury. Shay was the closest thing to a sister I’d ever had and it still wasn’t the same. Maybe if I had a brother or sister I wouldn’t feel so alone in this world. Maybe I wouldn’t be the only alien.

After snapping about twenty pictures of them splashing and kicking in the water, their mother tried to get them out, and as if the two of them could read each other’s minds, they double teamed their mother by splashing her as much as possible. I quit snapping pictures to see what the mother’s reaction was. I didn’t know if I needed to run inference for the two young kids. Looking at her face, I would’ve never expected her reaction. I thought they were done for, but then she put all her might into splashing the two little ones. Laughter and cheer filled the air and I felt like I was invading their personal moment. Though, the sight of their mother scooping them up and hugging them tight as their teeth chattered was an amazing sight.

I watched as she hurried them to their car so she could get them warmed up. I could tell she was cold too. As soon as they pulled off, I heard a bike pull up behind me. It was red and black with the Hayabusa symbol. The rider wore a black and red riding jacket with the helmet to match. Something about him told me I knew him, even though I didn’t recognize the bike.

It was Viktor.

I immediately began to walk off before he could even cut the engine. I made my way down the steps to the actual river walk and bumped right into Viktor.

“What? How?” How did he get there before me when I left him by his bike?

“I ran down the hill.” He pointed to the side. “Why are you running from me?”

“I’m not running. In fact, my day is just fine.” I smiled my best smile.

“Yeah, I bet it is, especially after leaving about a twenty foot drag out the parking lot.”

“Viktor, what do you want? And most importantly, why do you even care? We just met yesterday? We are nothing to each other, so why are you putting all this extra effort into something that doesn’t exist?”

“Someone really did a number on you. You really don’t trust anyone, do you?” All I could do was look at him and try not to let any emotion show.

“Again, that’s none of your business. Why don’t you go back and play house with Sophia, the neighbor.” I tried to walk off, but he grabbed me by my arm.

“She saw me knocking on your door,” he said, grinding his teeth together, “and when you didn’t answer, she followed me out the building. She saw you before I did and slid her arm around mine. That’s the truth. If you don’t believe me, then forget it.” He let go of my arm and started back up the steps, taking them two at a time.

“You asked why I’m making such an effort, Sloane, and right now I don’t know. Before I actually had fun with you today and I thought it would’ve been something special. I guess I’m just a fool who’s been fooled.” Like that, he was gone. I heard the bike start up and the motor fading out as he sped away.

Who did he

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