Why don't you Stay ... Forever - Jennifer Ashley Page 0,29

point, Abby casually tells Austin, “I saw Brooke the other day.”

His instant tension speaks volumes. “Oh?”

“Yeah, she looked great. She said to tell you hi.”

Austin gives her a frown. “Are you sure she didn’t say tell him to go to hell?”

“Nope.” Abby smiles. “She said hello. That’s all.”

Austin shudders and returns to his after-dinner coffee.

We play Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, and the girls trump the boys. Virginia is especially good at both, and I’m happy she’s on my side.

I also like the way she looks over at Alan from time to time, the love in her eyes plain. There’s a reason the McLaughlins are a close family. They love unashamedly.

By the end of the night, it’s obvious I’ve been accepted into their circle. I’ve been invited to their parties before, but tonight they’ve embraced me.

It makes me happy, and I sigh with contentment as Ben and I walk out in the cool darkness. He kisses me before he tucks me into his truck and we drive back to my house.

I’m pleased the McLaughlins like me, but it’s a little scary too. If Ben and I fall apart, as has happened in every other relationship I’ve been in, losing the family will be extra hurt on top.

Monday morning I walk into the office with a lighter heart. Everyone says an extra friendly hello to me as they pass my desk.

Ben is a little late, because he went home to do laundry before coming in. He sends me a smile when he enters, and when no one’s looking, he sneaks behind my desk and gives me a long kiss.

Things are going well, the family cheerful as we settle down to business. Abby keeps shooting me we need to talk signals, but in a good way.

Yes, everything is fantastic in my world, until after lunch, when Reuben walks in.

I launch myself from my chair. “What are you doing here?” I keep my voice low, but it’s vehement.

Reuben blinks, his dark gaze taking in the showroom and then me. I used to think his eyes soulful. Now I’m reminded of a cow.

“Is this how you greet all your customers?” he asks.

“You’re not a customer,” I snap. “You don’t need anything renovated.”

“That’s true. I like rentals. So freeing.” Reuben leans on my counter, and the smile he sends me is genial, nothing more. “Actually, I came to talk to Ben.”

“Ben?” I give him a level stare. “Why?”

“Erin, you are so suspicious. Though I can’t blame you, I suppose. I was selfish, and I know it. Can’t we let bygones be bygones?”

“I’d love to, if I knew the real reason you moved back to Phoenix.”

I expect him to stammer an excuse, but Reuben smiles again. “The real reason is I need more experience. It’s why I begged Clarice to take me back. I was out of my league up north and I knew it.”

That sounds logical, but I’m surprised Reuben admits it.

I’m about to grill him on why he wants to talk to Ben, when Ben himself comes barreling out of his office.

“What do you need?” Ben moves to my desk, ready to shove himself between me and Reuben.

“Hello, Ben.” Reuben greets him with a friendly nod. “Can I take up a few minutes of your time? I know I don’t deserve it, but I promise I won’t keep you long. I need to ask you something.”

Ben glances at me, and I shrug, spreading my hands. I have no idea what it’s about.

I’m hoping Ben decides to throw Reuben out the door, maybe calling on Zach, Ryan, and Austin to assist, but Ben silently gestures Reuben to precede him. Ben takes him, not to his office, but outside to the parking lot.

The two start walking, making a circuit of the building. I strain to keep them in view as long as I can, but they’re soon around the windowless side and gone, leaving me stewing and worried.

Chapter Ten


After about twenty minutes of conversation, Reuben says his goodbyes, climbs into his car, and takes off.

He’s left me … what’s the word? Dumbfounded.

When I return to the office, Erin charges around her desk to me. “What did he want?”

“Well …” I’m not sure how to begin.

Her eyes are wide, glasses glinting under the skylights. “Damn it, Ben, don’t do the suspense thing. Did he challenge you to a duel?”

I stare at her in amazement before I bust up laughing. She’s not serious, but I can imagine Reuben doing it.

“Can you take a break?” I ask.

Erin zips behind her

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