Why don't you Stay ... Forever - Jennifer Ashley Page 0,25

one half embrace to the other arm. Erin falls against me then pivots and falls again, as though gravity will take her at any moment. But I feel her strength, her perfect sense of balance that betrays how much control she has.

I’m proud of myself for figuring out the move, but Erin isn’t finished. She tells me in my ear to lift her under her hips, and I scoop her up with one arm. She positions herself, which helps me shift my weight to do it right.

I spin around with her. She’s half sitting on my arm, half holding on to me. The picture she makes is a graceful curve around my body, as beautiful as anything she and Dean do together on stage.

Around and around we go, me getting slightly dizzy, but Erin never wavers.

The song winds down as we glide in a wide circle like ice dancers. We have room because the crowd has backed off, watching us in awe.

“Slower.” Erin’s voice warms my ear. “End with the song.”

I don’t know when the song’s going to finish, but finally, the beats peter out, and the woman singer finishes with a whisper: I want to be with you, tonight.

Erin and I halt, me on one knee, Erin draped against my torso. She cups my face with one hand, gazing down into my eyes.

The dancers in the club whoop, amazed and happy with our performance.

Erin smiles as she nuzzles my nose, and fire takes me. There has never been a more perfect moment—outside of bed with Erin—than this one.

I decide to make it even more perfect. I brush her cheek with my thumb, gently pull her close, and kiss her.

Erin’s lips are soft, her breath hot from dancing. She kisses me with abandon, wrapping her arms around me.

The crowd cheers again, long wooo’s coming from the guys. Eat your hearts out, fellas.

Another song begins. I barely hear it. I have Erin kissing me, and we’re together like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Erin lifts her head and brushes a kiss across the bridge of my nose. She looks into the throng around us, and abruptly freezes.

“Oh, shit,” she whispers.

I stand up and assist her to her feet, though she’s steadier than I am. I glance to where she’s staring, and understand her alarm.

At the edge of the group, eyes fixed on us, are my brothers. Ryan, Zach, Austin. With Ryan and Zach are Calandra and Abby. Austin is alone, and he’s the only one laughing his butt off.

Standing beside my brothers are, unbelievably, my mom and dad. Here. In a club in downtown Phoenix, on a Friday night.

Erin starts to tear her hand from mine, but I don’t let go. There’s nothing we can do now.

The secret is out. My whole family has seen me kissing Erin, and now we find out what kind of shit will hit the fan.

Chapter Nine


The entire McLaughlin family has just witnessed me kissing the hell out of Ben.

I scan their faces—what are they even doing here?—and find mixed reactions. Austin is grinning as though he’s not a bit surprised. Ryan’s not surprised either, but he’s glancing at his parents as though worried about their response.

Zach is amazed. His mouth is open, his eyes wide, and he’d look comical if I wasn’t so mortified.

Abby, next to him, is beaming at me. She gives me a fist pump. I don’t know Calandra well, but she appears happy with me too.

Now for the McLaughlin parents, the people I actually work for. Mr. McLaughlin—Alan—regards us thoughtfully. I can’t tell what he thinks. Virginia does not look pleased. Not outraged or shocked or anything. She’s … disappointed?

“Holy crap.” I try again to wrest my hand from Ben’s, but his grip is tight. “I’m outta here. It was nice working for you all.”

“No way.” Ben tugs me closer. “They saw. They can suck it up. They’ll like you better if you don’t run.”

I know that’s true. I’m not usually such a coward. But now I have to look Virginia McLaughlin in the eye and admit that, yeah, I’m sleeping with her son.

We don’t have much choice about fleeing anyway. McLaughlins surge around us, three brothers, Abby and Calandra, and the parents. Austin is the first to reach us. He winks at me and slings an arm around Ben.

“Nice dancing, bro. Didn’t know you had it in you.”

“I don’t,” Ben says. “It was all Erin.”

“I saw that.” Austin gives me a thumbs-up. He lets Ben go to put his

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