The Whispering Dead (Gravekeeper #1) - Darcy Coates Page 0,47

well liked in the town?”

“Yes, certainly. She was a sweet thing. Thoughtful, but knew her mind. Not that different from you, in fact. A lot of boys in town fancied her but were dissuaded because her family was barely half a step from poverty. She had plenty of friends, though. Have you met dear Polly Kennard yet? She was Emma’s chief confidant and one of the few invited to the secret wedding.”

Keira nearly blurted What? The bank robber? but caught herself in time. Instead, she said, “The florist? She gave me a bunch of flowers yesterday. She seems lovely.”

“Oh, she is. She was Emma’s closest friend growing up. The murder disturbed Polly greatly. Shortly after it, Polly and her sister, Myrtle, left for one of the big cities and didn’t return for close to a decade.”

Disturbing her enough to crack her trust in the system and facilitate a slide into a life of crime? Keira shook herself mentally. Stop getting carried away. Stick to the facts. “We saw Dane Crispin while we were passing his house. Do you know him well?”

“Hardly at all. He keeps to himself.” Adage frowned. “Really, if you’re not a fan of the pie, please tell me. I have plenty of other food I can offer you. How about a nice, succulent TV dinner?”

Keira laughed and quickly pushed a forkful of food into her mouth. “Sorry. I got carried away. It really is tasty.”

From there, the conversation shifted to present-day events. Adage talked about the sermon he was preparing for the following Sunday, about the fundraiser to repair the church’s leaky roof, and how Mrs. Trilby had asked him to spray holy water on her roses because she wanted them to grow faster.

When Keira had finished as much of her plate as would fit inside her, Adage pushed his chair back and folded his hands over his stomach. Blue eyes twinkling behind his glasses, he watched Keira. “Now, there was one other reason I invited you here tonight beyond the enjoyment of your company. I have an offer for you.”

“Oh yes?” Keira sat up a little straighter.

“One of my parishioner’s sisters in Glendale is looking for a live-in assistant for her bed-and-breakfast. It’s a busy little establishment, apparently, and she’s seeking someone who will work there in exchange for a room, food, and a modest wage. If you accept, she would like you to start on Friday, in two days’ time.”

“Oh.” That’s so soon. Keira had to fight to keep any trace of disappointment off her face. “How far away is Glendale?”

“About six hours. I can arrange a lift to a train station in the next town, which will take you the rest of the way.” He was watching her closely. “How do you feel about it? I thought it might suit you. Miss Wright is willing to give you all of the training you need, and you’ll get cash in hand if you’re not able to open a bank account. Plus, my hope is that putting a little distance between you and this town will make it harder for those men to find you. It will be busy work, but I think you’re up to the challenge.”

“Yes! It sounds perfect. Thank you so much.” She made herself smile. You’re not in a position to be picky. This is your opportunity to restart your life. Be grateful.

Adage nodded. “I’ll send word and see about booking that train ticket. Truth be told, I’ll be sad to see you go, but I think you’ll get along with Miss Wright exceptionally well. It’s probably the best outcome I could have hoped for.”

“It really is. Let me help with the tidying up.”

As Keira dried the dishes and Adage washed, she stared through the kitchen window and watched the mist slide among the forest’s trunks. If I leave on Friday, that gives me tonight, all of tomorrow, and a couple of hours on Friday morning to do everything. To say goodbye to Mason and Zoe. Thank Polly Kennard for the flowers. Thank Adage for the exceptional kindness he’s shown. And help a lost spirit…

“Keira?” Steam from the sink had fogged up Adage’s glasses, so he slipped them down his nose to see her better. “Is everything all right?”

Smile, you idiot. “Yes, I’m good! Just a bit tired. It’s been a long day.” Tired. Miserable at the thought of leaving Blighty. Frightened of walking through that fog to reach the cottage. Worried that two days won’t be enough time to help a Copyright 2016 - 2024