The Whispering Dead (Gravekeeper #1) - Darcy Coates Page 0,20

still a chilly, damp day, but the sun had topped the trees, and Keira was sticky with sweat by the time the parsonage came into sight. She looked through the windows as she passed, but the rooms were dark and empty. As Zoe had predicted, Adage was still in town.

When Keira crossed the border into the cemetery, a slow, creeping chill slid over her. She knew it was because of the way the towering forest trees smothered the sunlight and dropped the temperature, but she couldn’t repress a shudder.

Is the ghost still here, somewhere out of sight? Are there others like her? There must be at least four hundred graves here… Surely she can’t be the only spirit that lingered after death.

An unnatural silence filled the space, as though stepping through the graveyard’s gate moved her into another realm—somewhere she wasn’t sure she was welcome. Trees elsewhere in Blighty thrived. In this space, most had either lost their leaves early in the season or long since died.

The most direct route to the cottage involved following the ragged, age-formed pathways that wound through the stones. The only alternative would involve walking through the forest, and even there, she wouldn’t be able to avoid the graves. The stones spilled beyond the bounds of the clearing. She couldn’t tell how far. Either the cemetery had long since run out of room, or it had once been larger and trees had gradually encroached on the space, consuming grass and graves alike.

Keira kept her eyes focused on the little stone cottage against the forest edge and only started breathing properly again once she was inside, with the door firmly bolted behind her. Not that she expected wood and stone to do much to stop a ghost…but it felt good to be somewhere familiar. Like coming home.

Keira opened the cupboard and stacked her rice on one shelf and the potatoes on the other, then put the toothbrush and soap in the bathroom. Eating the muffin Zoe had forced into her pocket, she returned to the living room and looked around the space. The room still held a lot of the warmth from that morning’s fire, even though the grate contained nothing but dull embers. She turned in a circle on the rug, searching for something that might distract her for an hour or two while she waited for Adage. The cottage didn’t have any television or books that she could see, and most of the cupboards held nothing but dust.

This place needs cleaning. Keira rubbed at the back of her neck and made a face. Not the sort of distraction I was hoping for, but it beats sitting by the window at least.

She found gloves and old cloths under the sink, opened the windows, and set about chasing out some of the dust. On one hand, it felt silly to clean a house that would return to being abandoned within a day or two. But it was one of the few things she could do to repay Adage, and even though it in no way matched his kindness, she wanted to show him that at least she was trying.

She’d flipped the bed’s mattress over and was in the process of putting on fresh sheets when a brisk knock at the door startled her. “Keira? It’s Adage. I hope you got my note.”

“Ah!” Keira jogged to let the pastor in. “I did, thanks. Not that it’s my business to tell you what to do or anything, but is it wise to invite strangers into your home while you’re out?”

Adage’s face was still flushed from his walk, likely because of the bundle of cloths he carried in his arms, but he beamed at her as he stomped his boots on the mat. “Don’t worry so much. I told you last night that I know everyone in town, and I’m proud to say I trust most of them a little farther than I could throw them.” He extended his burden and exhaled when Keira took it from him. “Thank you, child. They’re heavier than I thought they’d be.”

Keira shifted the bundle a little. She could see cotton, denim, and even some lace. “What are they?”

“Clothes from our donation bin. You won’t be a fashion icon, but they’re clean and respectable. I guessed your size. I hope they fit.”

“Seriously?” Keira lowered the clothes onto the round table. “I mean, thank you…but I don’t feel right taking these.”

“You’re welcome to wear trash bags, if you prefer.” Adage slid into the comfy Copyright 2016 - 2024