Whispered Darkness by Jessica Sorensen Page 0,43

warned me to be careful around him.”

“Not to mention, the whole thing with Evalynn and the night kiss.”

We fall into silence, the wind whispering around us.

“If it is him … maybe it’s not really him,” I mutter. “Star said he was different. Maybe he’s, like, possessed or something.”

“Maybe.” He leans against the angel statue with his arms crossed, his thinking face on. “If we really believe that, then we need to find out for sure before we turn any information over to the police.”

“I completely agree. We need a starting point, though.”

“I think Star is a good starting point,” he says. “And maybe trying to decipher the book.”

“And figuring out where that red chair ended up,” I add.

“Yeah, that, too.” He pushes away from the statue. “I … Did Beth ever say how much time we had before we … our souls fade?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Have you seen her since that portal thing opened?”

I shake my head again. “I haven’t. And Star made it sound like she might not be coming back.” I pause. “Star also mentioned that she was able to hear Beth, and I think it was after we saw her get sucked into that portal, so maybe she can still communicate with her.”

“We should find out,” he tells me. “Because I think it’s important we know what timeline we’re working with.”

“Oh, I totally agree.” I toss the shovel into the wagon, preparing to leave, when movement catches my eye.

A shadow. A faceless shadow looming in the distance.

Kingsley tracks my gaze then stiffens and reaches for my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

I nod, and then we hurry away from the cemetery, leaving the faceless shadow behind us. But the feeling of being watched follows.



By the time Kingsley and I exit the forest, it’s late enough that he has to head to a party and play informant. I don’t want him to go and he seems reluctant to leave me too.

“You’re just going to hang out in your room for the night, right?” he asks me as we linger at the border of my property, the trees concealing us.

“I think so. I want to talk to Star more, though. Maybe I’ll try to find her. I doubt she’s going to be easy to find, though.”

He picks at a spot of dirt on his hand. “How about tomorrow we track her down and try to get her to talk to us.”

“Okay. I’m still going to try to talk to her tonight, though, you know, just in case... Maybe I can find her phone number.”

“Maybe.” He appears skeptical, though. Sighing, he lowers his hands to his sides. “I guess I’m going to take off then.” But he doesn’t budge, hesitation all over his face.

His lips part then shut. Then with a soft shake of his head, he steps forward and seals his lips to mine. I’m so startled by the kiss that I trip back. But I latch onto his shirt, holding myself up, and kiss him back.

He lets out a strangled noise in the back of his throat as his phone rings, breaking the moment. Softly sucking on my lip, he moves back and fishes his phone out of his pocket.

“It’s Porter,” he grimaces. “He’s probably wondering where I am.” He pockets his phone and glances up at me, uncertainty filling his eyes. “I need to go.”

“Go.” I offer him a reassuring smile. “I promise I’ll be okay.”

He nods, hesitance still consuming his expression as he walks out of the trees. I step out too, and we both walk in separate directions. As I near my house with the wagon in tow and the book in my hand, I cast a glance over my shoulder at him. He’s looking at me as well and a small smile graces his lips as our gazes lock. My lips turn up too and my stomach flutters with butterflies.

For the first time since the accident, I briefly feel alive.

But according to Star, I’m not. I’m undead. And immortal.

“Holy shit,” I breathe out as I tear my gaze off of Kingsley and wheel the wagon up to the house. “I’m immortal.”

And dead.

And just moved a body.

As reality crashes over me, I fight the urge to panic. But all I keep thinking about is how I moved a dead body of a girl who was probably murdered. If the police find the body, my DNA could be on it. Although, do the undead even have DNA?

Who the hell knows, but I’m not going to

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