Which Witch is Which - Kerrigan Byrne Page 0,48

warrior. Not that she hadn’t had sex with other men she didn’t know well, but that was different. She hadn’t shared anything with them. She’d taken.

This man…not only was there an intangible, undeniable link between them, but he’d survived her. He’d tasted and touched her, given his energy, and it hadn’t hurt him. In fact, he seemed all the stronger for it. “I don’t know your name.”

“Drustan.” He stared, assessing her with an obscure gaze. “Some call me Dru.”

“Drustan.” She let his name roll off her tongue, everything even more intimate now that she knew his name. Dru with his dark eyes that seemed older than his years. Dru with a mysterious scar near his left temple. Dru that could chain her to a wall and then hold her tenderly against him.

“Everything okay?” he asked after another long moment.

Her brain struggled to regain control of her body and her thoughts. “It’s fine.”

Dark eyebrows rose toward his almost-shaved hair. “Fine?” It was as though she’d insulted him beyond forgiveness.

“Good?” She seemed to be missing the intent behind his question.

His serious gaze cracked into a disbelieving smile. “In the many days I’ve been cursed to crawl this earth, I’ve never been labeled fine. Or good. Like my performance was barely satisfactory.”

“Ohh…” He wanted her to rate him as a lover. It surprised her to find the battle-hardened soldier had a vulnerable side. He moved beneath her, his rock-hard erection evident against her thigh. Vulnerable and potent, it seemed.

“However, I’d have to disagree with your assessment if your endless cries of ecstasy were any indication.”

“Endless?” A heated blush stole over her. She might have expressed herself vocally a time or two. “I think that’s overstating things.” She pushed off his chest, needing some distance before he stole her sanity again.

He secured her with solid arms, bringing her back into alignment with him. “Are you afraid you’ll fall to my undeniable charms?”

She smiled, not sure how to handle this sexy, flirting side of him. Danger, worse than what she’d encountered the previous night, lurked in his teasing eyes. “There’s nothing undeniable or charming about you. You’re the one who fell under my spell.” She placed her hands on the sides of his face, prepared to give him another demonstration. One that didn’t end with her in a melted puddle of exquisite sensations.

Before she could kiss him, he rolled her over and pinned her to the bed. “I don’t think so.”

She was about to challenge him again when she realized both hands holding his jaw were bandaged when only one had been before. She frowned.

“When did you wrap my other hand?” Unanswered questions flooded her mind, pushing away the lovely, newly-discovered pleasure of basking in the afterglow. “More than that, when did we move to the bed?”

He looked away before rolling to his feet, the antique bed groaning as he robbed it of his weight. Chilled air took his place. “A while ago. You were asleep.”

“No.” She shook her head and sat up. He might have swept her off her feet, but he hadn’t completely incapacitated her. “I would remember something.”

“I guess I’m that good after all.”

She paused, trying to pinpoint the odd feeling nudging her. She glanced across the room to where the shackles hung from the wall. The handcuffs he’d brought rested on the table next to the bed. Then she focused on him again.

“You’re dressed.” She glanced down. “I’m dressed.”

He shrugged. “It never warms up down here. I didn’t want you to get cold.”

She narrowed her gaze, vivid memories flashing in her mind. “You ripped my blouse off my body before you held me against the wall and made wild, passionate love to me.”

“I did? We did?” He swallowed. “No, I didn’t.”

She climbed off the bed and fixed him with a heated gaze. “Yes, you did.” She jabbed her finger against his solid pecs.

“Don’t lie to me. You’ve already as much as admitted we had sex. You can’t deny it, unless…” Anger exploded inside her. “Unless it wasn’t real.”

She stepped back from him. “Was that another illusion you conjured? You son of a bitch.”

He folded his arms and stared at her with obsidian eyes. “You should thank me.”

“For what?”

“For sparing you the humiliation when I rejected your advances. For allowing your fantasy instead of suffering while I tended your wounds.

You obviously enjoyed yourself, so spare me your indignation.”

The breath of air she’d held while he spoke slipped from her lungs instead of fueling her response. He’d rejected her. Worse, her powers no

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