Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,90

as much as I was, or if he wanted to steer clear of Jules Hone aka his high school sweetheart Julie Marie Howland. Then he cleared his throat. "Yeah. Well, I wasn't sure if those innocent ears should hear what I am about to say."

An instant defense went up faster than I had time to realize how sensitive I was to Bubba telling me something I didn't want to hear. "Then save it. Don't say it. I'm sure it's something mean about me. And when did they start calling you Uncle?"

"Ever since Claire's been bringing them by for my momma to see. My momma watches those girls more than yours does. Not to mention that every time your momma has them, she brings them by. So Uncle Bubba just sounded nice." His words sounded like southern drawl sexuality on the last sentence. Like he wanted to make nice with me, maybe kiss me.

I took a step back and shied away from the possibility. "I see." It made sense. My mom was the world's worst grandma when it came to babysitting, and my dad wasn't exactly babysitting material. Which brought me back to thinking, about having my own baby here in 'Bama' and who would actually be helpful. Claire for sure. Probably, Mrs. Champ, but really, who else would want to be my village.

"It's not like that Julie. Listen, I saw Claire's minivan out in the lot being dried and was on my way to the grain and feed. There is some new stuff out..." He hesitated. "On you. I just thought you might want to be prepared."

Now what could be worse than what was already out there? I raised my head high and tilted my shoulders back, which caused Bubba's eyes to wander to my newly purchased LA plastic surgeon special D cups. "I can handle it." But his eyes didn't leave my chest for a second until the girls came running back with a bag of peanut M&Ms.

"My favorite!" He chimed in, and the girls giggled something about 'you always say that'.

Hooch came back in with my keys, a tip of his hat and a, I'll see you Sunday Jules. Which no one from these parts usually called me that name, and I didn't want them to start. I would casually mention that to Hooch on Sunday.

"Well gotta run. I promised the girls an Aunt Gone Wild visit, and I think I saw a little girl's fashion shop just two blocks down."

Bubba walked us out to the parking lot, made sure the girls were buckled and then came around to the driver-side door and leaned in on the window within inches of my face. He handed me his business card, which I didn't look at until later. He tilted his hat with his hand and told me to 'drive careful now ya hear'.

That was virtually impossible because when Bubba leaned in the window, I wanted nothing more than for him to kiss me. Even in front of the girls. My heart pounded, my hands sweated on the steering wheel, and his business card was now sitting between my thighs while I drove like a mad woman to the little girl fashion store two blocks away.

Pulling up to Fashion Hut4Girls gave way to squeals of delight. They were out of their own seats and making a mad dash for the door screaming something about momma hasn't taken us here yet. Well, momma didn't have the platinum credit I had or at least have for a bit longer. So charge away my little sweeties.

Then I looked at the business card in my hand. Bubba owned a farming equipment business. Not sure what that was all about, but what I was sure of was the scribbled hand writing on the side. "Call Me! We need to talk." Problem was, Bubba and I together, for more than two minutes and no public; we didn't talk. We made out. Now that we were adults, I think it would just go that much farther. In fact, after seeing Bubba once again at the car wash, there was not a single bone in my body that did not want that man naked and coming to my rescue. No bones about it at all. Problem was; Bubba seemed a bit reluctant to give me the type of passionate attention he did so well back in high school. I had a seductive way with men that I picked up back in LA. Maybe it was time I put

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