Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,85

know, out of respect for momma. Seeing as they are best friends."

"Uh huh." We pulled into the driveway of my sister's ranch-style home with the split-rail fence and toys all over the yard; a swing set in the side yard and Ron's silver four door Chevy truck parked out front. Claire turned to me as soon as the car was turned off. "As long as I have known you, you have never done anything laid back or relaxing. There has always been drama attached to your life and as far as this baby goes, I doubt Mr. Hollywood is planning on marrying you. Raising a baby on your own is no simple task. If you want our help, Ron and I, and Mom and Dad, are there for you, but it's here on our turf, not out in LA. Besides; LA is not a place for a southern baby to be raised. Am I right?"

Was she right? Could I do this on my own back in LA or did I want help from my family here in Alabama? Did I even want to live in Alabama again? Did I want to give up my life in LA? Then again, with a baby in tow, I didn't see me hitting the party scene and making my way up the ranks of journalists in the entertainment business, not to mention those few measly parts in movies I was promised by my manager not so long ago that have never transpired. I was smart enough to know that my time may have come and gone. In less than the two minutes, it took for Mr. Hollywood to inseminate me.

I grabbed Snickerdoodles in her cat carrier, which, by the way, she was still sleeping soundly, and followed my baby sister into her house. She motioned her finger to be quiet. I sat Snickerdoodle down next to the couch where it looked like Ron had already made up a bed for me for the night. I guess tonight I would not be sleeping with the girls. I might wake them up getting in this late, and no one wants to deal with six-year twin girls super excited that their famous aunt was here to see them. At least in their eyes, I was famous as a golden globe actress and the only thing they know about me and the media is that I report Hollywood news. They have not been allowed near a TV since all of this started. They think I am here to see them, which I prefer it this way.

I squatted down to open Snickerdoodle's carrier and figured by morning, she will wake me up with her fluffy white tail in my face like she does every morning when she wants to be fed. I set my flip-flops by the makeshift bed and laid down thinking it felt safe and comforting to be home. That was the last thing I remembered.

Chapter Three

The soft hush toned voices brought me slowly awake. There before me were two short blurry figures of angels. Their soft brown hair in big curls with some kind of light radiating behind them gave them a glow reflection from behind. One of them spoke up first. "I think she looks better with the blue eye shadow." Then I heard. "If you say so." Then the first one spoke again. "I do say so. I am the first born, and I know better." That was Lilly, gently referred to as Lil. May then walked away as Lil shouted over her shoulder. "You better agree with me or else."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up on the couch. I saw a glimpse of Ron run by after kissing my baby sister Claire and a quick 'good to have you home Julie. See you tonight.' Then he was gone. The next thing I know a gallon size coffee with cream and sugar, appeared in my vision, being offered from my sister.

"Julie. Good morning princess. Rise and shine. Girls made you toast. Grape Jelly is their specialty. I hate to do this to you but in all the craziness and rush to go get you, the girls are off from school today. Some teacher workday. I 'HAVE' to go to work today. Got a deal to close. You might want to wash off your face before you go anywhere. You were out cold while they played dress up on your face with their doll makeup. I've got some killer makeup remover in my bathroom

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