Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,68

get it. Someone ought to blog about her and that skanky online porn thing she's doing."

Meg, Jodi and I all stared at her with super big eyes and the biggest shocked look on our face. The last thing she said was the first we heard of it. Carlene bashing me or outshining me was not new, but the last part Katelyn just spilled, well that was something we had not heard about nor did we really want to know. Except now, we had some new ammunition for making fun of Carlene. It made me feel better any ways.

Katelyn's frustration over the whole matter was showing her discomfort as she squirmed in her seat. "I really don't want to talk about it. It was my brother who texted me the site and told me that Kia might enjoy the laugh. I don't know why he does those kinds of things. He's a good-looking guy with such potential, and then he goes and looks at sites like those."

In unison, Jodi, Meg and I said it with such conviction. "He's a man!" There was so much truth to those three little words. We three figured it out at an early age. Guys were guys, and they were going to do stupid stuff that we women thought were, well, either wrong, gross or just plain stupid. I for one was willing to overlook all that as long as the man was cute, could kiss well and could accept the fact that a life with me was a life of bailing me out of a bunch of mishaps or misfortunes.

Katelyn looked at us funny and then started to eat her salad. Jodi reached for my hand holding my fork in a stabbing position and about to stab my salad as if it was Carlene. "Look, it's to be expected with that woman. She did however, change your name a bit on her blog and twitter thing, probably so your dad won't sue her dad - boy those two go way back don't they. I think those two hate each other as much as you two do. Any ways, the locales know it's you and from what I can tell they are defending you. People here love you. They know your heart is always in the right place; it's usually your foot that's not."

That caused Meg to start laughing. "Oh my God, that reminds me. Remember the time that Scooter thought he should attempt third base with you. You kicked him so hard in the nuts he had a bag of frozen peas stuck between his legs for weeks. You couldn't get a guy in high school to date you let alone kiss you for two years."

"Ha-ha. I forgot about that. Let's all shall we." I finally stabbed my salad like it was Carlene and then raised my hand to signal to my waitress. I ordered a beer. One for lunch did not make me an alcoholic, just a person trying to cope.

"Make that a round." Meg instructed to the waitress. "I think we all could use a drink."

I watched Meg grab a hair clip out of her bag, twist her beautiful Latino brown hair up in a twist, and clip it. "Change of subject. Ladies, that is the last time you will see my long brown hair for a bit. Love For Locks is doing a benefit at the Indigo Curl-n-Beauty Parlor. Getting it all cut off."

I envied her hair. My hair grew so slow and was so much thinner than her gorgeous thick brown hair. She would cut it and a few months later; it was back. We weren't shocked about it; it wasn't the first time she had done this. The rest of us would if we could. Katelyn's blonde hair had always had this natural soft curl to it, and she could never grow it past her shoulders before she went in for a cut. Jodi had her hair in a short punk style, for as long as we could remember. Her jet-black hair always had some strip of color in it. This month was bright purple. My brown hair stayed in a simple brown shoulder length cut that framed my face with a shag and was usually up in a clip or ponytail. What could I say? I was a simple girl who did not think playing up my features was an important thing. That being, because I was so busy getting myself out of some type of conundrum or another.


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