Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,66

man that stole her heart ten years ago would show up in the same place to discover that their love never extinguished. Leaving her wondering if happily-ever-after does exist or will she mess up this second chance and hope that third times a charm.

Some suburban moms just can't catch a break. There is humor in raising kids, guinea pigs, soccer moms and Nutella. Toss in two new roommates to make ends meet, crazy daily chaos and a desire to have the green grass she once had, and you get a story about a mom that makes it all work out. A light, uplifting read, that any mom could easily relate to. Humor in all the right spots and just a touch of romance to give it all a happy ending.

This book is dedicated to all the moms in my life. We have laughed through the most diverse oddities and cried about the worst. We talk about our kids with hopes and wishes, and we complain about them like nobody's business. We are the most important people in our family's lives, yet we are often the most under appreciated. This book is to you. May you remember that the grass IS NOT always greener on the other side.

Metaphorically speaking, we as women are our own worse critics. We need these things, so we can look in the mirror to say, 'ah, my grass is looking pretty green'. If it takes a box of hair color, a new outfit or to shed a few pounds to make the grass seem green, then so be it. However, Maybelline Briggs isn't looking for the Holy Grail of Eternal Youth, just a way to get back on her feet through all the chaos.

Light hearty funny mystery with quirky characters and laughable discretions. Chick Lit General Audience meets Funny Mystery.

Sometimes luck gets turned around, so what does a gal have to do in this town to get it back? Fired from her secret government job seemed like the tip of the iceberg in her streak of bad luck. However, that was nothing compared to the business of leprechauns, frozen bank accounts, credit cards, and having to drive an eighty's green Gremlin car around town.

With the luck of the Irish on her side, Katie McAllister, endures a calamity of eccentricity to get her luck back while solving the mystery of the leprechaun. With the help of old friends and new, and a very adorable white puppy, she not only gets her luck back; she finds the man that almost got away.

This quirky chick lit mystery will have you smiling or shaking your head in disbelief at every chapter. In the end, you'll be quoting the Irish.


Sample Chapters of Something To Talk About

When trouble strikes, Kia is there. If disaster is dealt, Kia holds the cards. If catastrophe is calling, Kia will answer it. All a girl needs to cope with all of this is her three best friends and maybe a handsome hero that's been hired to replace the Sheriff. Old Sheriff Cleat has had his fair share of bailing Kia out of trouble or coming to her rescue, but the last one has put him out of commission. There is a new Sheriff in town, and the local women are all a twitter - literally. Kia gets her first run-in with the handsome new sheriff just after she runs her car into a hillside while watching him jog without his shirt on. By the week's end, the new sheriff is beginning to think that Kia is either short for catastrophe, or she is trying to find ways to spend more time with him. Kia's best friends have spent a lifetime of dealing with Kia and her God given attraction to trouble, but they also know Kia needs a man like the sheriff to keep her in line and bail her out once in a while. While Kia quickly becomes short on patience with the handsome hero, she isn't short on need and quickly realizes that having a man like the sheriff on her side isn't such a bad idea after all, but will they meet on the corner of Trouble and Catastrophe or will chaos keep them apart?

Chapter One

"Did you know there is a twitter following on you?"

"Excuse me?" I practically gagged on my spring lettuce salad with sprigs of things I am sure they pulled out of the weed lot next door. With summer just around the corner and our hearty winter eating habits, this

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