Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,57

them was Masons, but I wasn't too sure what he was saying. I felt hands touch me, but my head pounded. Then the next thing I remembered thinking was, thank God Marion decided to drive her own car to the restaurant.

Coming to, was eventful. Some strange man's face was in mine asking me if I could hear him. He knew my name, but I didn't remember getting flat on my back and meeting this guy. I would have done a head slap to my head if I could but my arm didn't want to go up. Then I remembered; I had pulled an Amber Jones really stupid stunt. It was all coming back to me. The vision of my coworkers battling Steve's wife, mixed with Mason hearing all about his girlfriend, well on hold girlfriend, dating a married man. That was the one main fact I left out when I told him about Steve. I had mentioned he had a girlfriend, but not a wife. That had been too embarrassing of a fact.

Just a minute after the ER staff claimed me to be stabilized and that a young gentleman was waiting to see me, I was ecstatic. Perhaps Mason wasn't so mad at me after all.

I watched a very worried Mason slowly move my ER curtain aside and a weak smile crawl across his face. It was in his eyes, those beautiful sultry eyes, that I saw the care and concern that wrapped me up in happiness. If he didn't care or was mad, he wouldn't be here. "Hey." He spoke out with a hoarse voice than he cleared it. "Mind if I come in."

I let a smile creep onto my face. "Please." I got out with a very groggy voice. I went to reach for my water, and he rushed over to where it was at, held it up, and put the straw towards my mouth. I took a sip as I let my hands wrap around his. It felt nice to touch him, even if it was just a small gesture.

As soon as I stopped drinking my water, he set the cup back off to the side, pulled a small chair up next to the bed and held my hand while staring at me. Finally, he got off his chest what had him so worried.

"Hey. That was scary today. I'm glad they said it was only a light concussion. You ok?" His eyes held the look of a man who wasn't sure where he stood.

"If you call hitting the gas instead of the brake because you are wigging out that your boyfriend just found out that you accidentally dated a man who has a wife. Yup. That's scary alright." I joked.

I felt his hand tighten on mine as he looked down at it then his eyes came back to mine. "I'm glad to hear I am still your boyfriend."

"You are if you want to deal with the fun likes of me and my sometimes crazy life." I teased.

"Everybody has a crazy life from time to time. I guess maybe I should share in a little about mine later when I am taking care of you, so that you might understand why my family was so weird on Sunday. I'm just glad you'll let me be your boyfriend. And by the way, 6D got her eviction notice. That was why she was trying to break into my apartment, to pay her rent by, well... Any ways, I was totally shocked to see her there. However, I guess since you didn't see my face or my reaction you wouldn't know. Just know this, I suck at communications sometimes. Looking back, if I had explained it all better than we would not have been in this mess that I feel partially to blame."

I let out an awkward laugh. It felt good to know naked boobs 6D was not in the picture any more or to begin with. I had to put a little more faith in people, but that is hard. Sometimes I would rather jump to conclusion with a defensive anger instead of listening. It felt good to know that Mason could overlook that, so I teased to lighten the mood. "Well, you are a man and men don't ask for directions."

We both started to laugh.

Mason spoke up first to break the smiles and laughter between us. "Hey. I grabbed your purse before the tow truck took your car away. I called Marion, but that was it. She told me

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