Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,53

a full-blown pity party. Tears were streaming, snot was working its way out, eyes were burning, and my heart felt like it was in a vice grip. I highly doubted that what I saw was a mistake. Sarah from 6D got into his apartment somehow, that was most likely him letting her in. She also had her arms around him, and I know I saw his hands come up to her shoulders. Or, now that I think about what I saw versus what he said happened, I wondered. Could it be true? Did 6D let herself in, get naked, and surprise him as he was out of the shower and about to get dressed? Did she walk towards him, naked boobs and all, and put her arms around him as his hands came up to do what? Gently guide her away and tell her that he is taken? If I had been rational and calm, I might have been able to ask him. However, I wasn't.

I finally got myself calmed down. Perhaps, there could be a chance, that maybe, on an off chance that what I really saw was 6D Sarah, coming on to Mason and him pulling away. Yet, he did not exactly try too hard to convince me of his love for me over 6D. I decided to text him: 'We should talk. I'm calm now."

I waited for over an hour and never got a text back. Perhaps, this was for the best. I guess. Therefore, I did something very mature of myself and my new age of thirty; I sent a second text that simply read: 'Never mind me, I'm not worth it, have fun with 6D'. I guess my mature days were going to be short lived, as maybe I could have left 6D out of that text. In the digital world, once you hit send, it is too late.

Chapter Twelve

After cleaning and scouring my apartment for an hour, thinking if I cleaned my home, my life would somehow miraculously get better, it dawned on me. The text I left him, he could take it as me being mean instead of me trying to say, don't waste your time with me because I will only bring you down and yell at you when I am mad, and you don't deserve that. You deserve 6D and some fun in your life before you have to jump right in and play CEO to your dad's company. However, how did I say all that, the text sounded more like screw you and screw 6D. However, that was my anger talking, when really I felt deep down, that he would be better off not getting involved with me. I didn't want to have to live up to huge expectations; I just wanted to be me and if that wasn't good enough for his family, then they are the ones missing out on the goofy, fun loving, makes lots of mistakes - me.

Texting him again would only look immature, which I was queen at. I needed to grow up. I decided to head out and gas up my car for work tomorrow. As soon as I filled my tank on my fixed car, thanks to my dad, I realized it was only noon. I decided that a quick recovery on the flu was in order, and I drove into work. As I walked in proudly claiming that my health is back, I noticed things seemed a bit crazy.

Well, nothing makes a woman feel more wanted, than a man who tells her he needs her, desperately. Wally Woo could not have looked happier to see me as I came in through his office doors. The production line was down; the auditor was coming next week on Monday, and he misplaced one of his gold chains in his office, that or someone stole it. With the price of gold these days, he was wigging out. I jumped in with both hands to his trash and caught sight of the shiny gold chain. This was not his first go around on the pony ride if you know what I mean. He has misplaced them before because he cannot wear them when he is inspecting the production line. Problem one down. Then I took the files off his desk and told him I would make sure everything was ready for the auditor in two days if I had to work forty-eight hours straight or even into the weekend, so that come Monday, we would be

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