Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,48

lid, and dumped the rest of the M&M's in, bag and all.

"What the hey? I was going to eat all the yellow next." I stammered while cuddling deeper into my couch as I hit the mute on the movie I was watching. I tossed a glare at my aunt Heather that could evaporate a bad politician from thin air for misconduct.

As my aunt stood there, freshly tanned from the Bahamas, some curl to her long mostly blonde but born a brunette hair and striking a motherly poise in an outfit that wasn't motherly, she decided to scold me in tone. "Listen. You will thank me later. Think of all the hours on the elliptical it would take to burn those off. Not to mention, if you were my age, and once you turn forty, the metabolism turns off. Best to start now on better habits." She smiled as she grabbed the red handled straps of the white trash bag, pulled it up out of the trash can, tied the red handles in a triple knot, and then put a fresh bag in my trash. Like taking out my trash would make it any better.

"I'm only doing this because I love you. That, and the fact that if I didn't take this out to the dumpster on my way out, you would have pulled it out of the trash and started on the yellows."

My aunt knew me all too well. However, I knew I would want to run right out and buy another bag. The only thing stopping me was that I was in desperate need of a shower, and my hairy legs could out hair Sasquatch.

It had been three days since I saw Mason, and work thought I had the flu. Wally Woo spent an hour listening to me cry and babble then told me I had not called in a sick day in over six months, vacation days excluded, and he would put me down for the flu if I promised to get all caught up later this week on paperwork. This was not part of my grow up and act mature now that you are thirty plan, not to mention Mason had quit trying to reach me by text or phone as I had not returned one single text or message.

Then as I watched my aunt set the bag of trash by my door, I knew I would not be dumpster diving in my own kitchen trash can. However, I would take a shower and visit the local gas-n-go. "By the way." She chimed in as she pointed to the dark sheets I had duct taped up on my big window that looked directly into my neighbor, slash super, slash heartthrob gone awry. "What gives?"

"He gives. He turns on the heat like a burning fire and then takes me to meet his family, where I am not grown up enough, or educated enough, for his father. Then he tries to soothe it over after he has gone back to his family, after he took me home because I did not want to spend another minute with his family Sunday brunch being judged. I decided I wanted to slow things down. Then, work is giving me collage classes to shut mom up. Then I come home from a broken-down car on Monday morning's rush hour to witness that he's got more than one candy in his trick or treat bag, if you know what I mean. I happen to see him kissing some stupid blonde woman, no offense, but you are not a natural; you choose to be blonde, and you are not stupid either. So, this hot looking chick is kissing him, and I was stuck staring at them thinking, well shit. By the way, how was the Bahamas and why didn't you take me as a birthday gift bee-ouch?" Everything I just rambled out in incomplete, nonfunctioning sentences, hopefully made sense to my aunt who had no idea what had happened in my life in the last week and half, other than she caught Intel on my birthday fiasco at the restaurant.

My aunt's laughter filled the room, and she answered with a simple tone. "I see. Bahamas rocked, and it's hard to take you when I'm taking a man." She winked at me with a vivacious smile, and then she went over, stood up on the window seat, yanked all the duct tape down, tossing the sheet on the floor.

I covered my eyes and squinted from the

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