Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,45

Sorry. I thought of mentioning it the day Carl thought it aloud, but the next day was your family party, and you know. I guess I wanted to meet the guy first. Get my own opinion formed. By the way, I had planned on grilling the son of a bitch with several questions, nicely of course. Anyway, back to Mason. It was just a coincidence with the whole you drunk naked dancing and passing out due to the birthday family dinner fiasco. But it's a really cute story you can tell your kids one day."

I sat in silence for a second mulling all of that over, then I crossed my arms and pouted. "I doubt we will be creating any offspring. Not to mention the fact that I eluded the fact that Steve is married part by substituting in crazy mad wife for crazy mad girlfriend. I didn't want it to look like I am such a blithering idiot, which obviously I am."

"Stop." Marion put her hand up in a stop motion and frowned. "Stop making yourself out to be so bad. You're not. Your awesome, besides your pouty look doesn't work for me. I'm team Amber, remember."

"I know." I paused as I took in a huge breath. "It's just I was already planning the wedding. Is that so weird?"

"Yes... and no. I was that way with Carl. Think about it. Just a week ago today, you were hopeful that Steve and you might just take it up a notch to commitment and look what happened. This time, you know a lot more about Mason. You both seem to really like each other. Heck, he took you to meet his family, although a bit too soon if you ask me. What I gathered from Carl, Mason gets a bit too excited easily. This little disaster probably had him thinking, just like it got you thinking."

"Yeah. I think I should slow it down. I almost feel pressured now to work on my growing up plan before stepping back out to the world and announcing 'hey, look at me'. You know. Maybe get going on the whole management online course. Get in a few charitable hours at an elder home or dog shelter. Deliver meals on wheels. Something. Then maybe I wouldn't look like such a disaster to his dad."

"Stop. Who cares what his dad thinks? Ok. I know you do, but slowing it down might not be a bad idea. By all means, let's keep the family dinners for like, month four of serious dating. It was a fluke that he got to meet your mom and sister already. Meeting family does not include going out for drinks with Carl and I, by the way. Once you two have ironed it out, we would like to go out as a couple. Carl says they got along great. No pressure by the way. And I really like him, because he really likes you."

I let that mull over in my mind, and then I reached over and hugged her. "You're right. Like always. Hey. How was the baby shopping?"

A loud 'ugh' echoed out through my apartment. I got the impression she was about to unleash the MIL shopping stories on me. I did not mind. I needed something to take my mind off Mason.

By the time Marion left, it was past dinnertime and no Mason. I had turned my phone back on, and I did not see a text or message. So I did what any 'grown-up' woman would do, I logged on and completed some information on my on-line management course. I charted a calendar set with dates and times specific to when I was to study and be on-line. Kind of like a job. I patted myself on the back for doing that. Then I did a search engine wording for volunteer work and there were more choices than I could possibly imagine. I finally settled on reading to the elderly at a senior center on Sunday mornings. I figured if I wasn't going to get up early enough to go to church, I would at least give back to my community by getting to the Senior Center by ten for a few hours of reading. Besides, I had a great theatrical voice that I mastered in high school drama, this was going to be fun.

Somewhere in all my efficiency, was Mason, lingering in between decisions, thoughts, and fingers clicking on the keyboard. I had my doubts about how things were

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