Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,31

Hey. Have a great day at work. Carl said he sends his love and would have liked to come by your work party tonight, but he's in a meeting until seven, and then he wants to take me out to celebrate the twins. Is that alright with you?"

I reached over and hugged her as my good bye. "Quite. I'm hoping Mason will drag me out early. He considered today's lunch number three, which makes tonight number four, Thursday is five, Friday is six, and that leaves only one good thing to do on Saturday." I started to laugh.

"Slow down there speedy." She teased. Just remember, just the fact the two of you agree that an established relationship is best seems terrific. I don't want you to go too fast. There is definitely something there between the two of you. I can see it. The way he touches you possessively, the way he looks over at you lovingly, and responds to your mom at just the right time. He's good."

"I know." I let out that breathy sigh I always feel in me when I think of him. "Marion. Can you say a prayer for me on this one? It feels like he's the one."

"I will. Now get back to work before Wally Woo is mad you took an extra half hour."

The rest of the day blazed by. I had a lot of inquisitive coworkers to my cubicle, not so much over the flowers but the man who visited my office. The two 'troublesome drama duo', I like to internally call them, tried to ask a few too many questions about Mason and how they thought his name use to be Steve, less than a few days ago. I held my ground and insisted they had the name wrong. However, a small part of me realized that even though I was happy about Mason, it was not but less than a few days ago, I thought Steve might be the one. Was all this because my biological time clock was sounding off that I was looking for the Mr. Right? I was so taken with sexy words and does all the right things Steve, that I forgot to do a little online investigative work of my own. Had I done so, I would have quickly discovered that Mr. Smooth Talker, let me buy your batteries and replace them, was a jerk all along.

I had every intention of taking a few moments to search Mason Montahue online, but my workday got away from me. By the time I was heading to the ladies bathroom to plug in my curling iron, freshen up my makeup, and make myself look sexy thirty, not I work at a production plant attire, I was already running late. I texted both Marion and Mason that I was about fifteen minutes out. The few coworkers that said they were going were already there. I saw Wally heading out just as I was heading towards the ladies room and told him to save a table for four for us. I got the sure thing sign, or at least some kind of hand gesture as he walked out with his white ball cap sideways.

Just as I arrived at the bar, I saw Marion already in her car parked and waiting for me, as Mason pulled up. He parked his BMW next to her Audi, parked next to my two door used parking lot special red thing. I felt out of my league by dating Mason and having a best friend who was rich, yet I had to remember that Marion was middle to poor class like me not that long ago and something told me that Mason was not raised with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Marion and I waved at Mason as he parked. Then as he stepped out in faded well-worn jeans, a tight black tee shirt that showed his bulging muscles, and some really expensive looking black cowboy boots, I swooned, as so did Marion. Our collective, ah's, filled the air between us as he walked over and spoke in a country manner. "Evening ladies."

Marion nudged me and I finally spoke up. "Uh. What's with the cowboy gig?"

"What?" He kicked his feet out and showed me one of his cowboy boots like I showed him my red kitten heels at the bar the other night. "You don't like?"

"Oh I like alright. I just didn't peg you for a cowboy." I teased as he grabbed my hand to walk

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