Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,10

let him know I was interested.

"So it was your birthday yesterday?" He turned and looked at me, but for a fleeting second, his eyes gazed at me up and down. His gaze caused my internal furnace to kick up a few notches. Then he looked away to something off to the side and smiled while bringing his head down and looking back up to meet my eyes with his head tilted. It was sexy as hell and over the top flirtatious move, and I wanted to strip him down and get familiar right next to my laundry basket. I did a mental head slap and realized my hormones have been in overdrive lately.

I felt sexually caught off guard. My flirting game was usually spot on. However, he did things to me that caused me to feel so flustered and silly that I just stood there staring at him.

"How old are you now?" He was asking me as I gauged his age in his late twenties, possible thirty, but he had excellent skin and a youthfulness to his looks. Then again, so did I. I wondered, should I lie and say 'oh it's my twenty-fifth birthday'? Before I could wager lying about my age against the truth and what the advantages could be, his eyes mesmerized me with a look, and he spoke up with a teasing flirtatious voice.

"Let me guess." He joked with me as his eyes traveled across my body again. "Twenty-six?"

"Thirty." I practically blurted out. So much for keep him guessing or making him think I was younger.

"Thirty? I never would have guessed. You look much younger." He smiled and took a step forward putting himself right in my space. "Mason Montahue, by the way." He put his hand out to offer a handshake, and I blurted out.

"My birthday, real birthday that is, isn't until this Wednesday. It was just a family thing." Then I grabbed his hand, shook it super-fast, and let go. I was officially all twitterpated over a man I had seen naked, and now that he was right in front of me. The sexual dial a meter had shot way past overloaded, and I had no dignity left to my game. I was smitten, and flustered, and I wasn't sure how all this might play out.

"Nice to meet you Amber Jones. I'm the new superintendent for these buildings for the next six months. That is, until I can prove to my father that I know what it takes to be on the inside running things."

"Your father? Montahue Properties. The Montahue Properties that has billboards all over the city and manages, like, hundreds of properties. That Montahue?" I was in awe.

"One in the same. My family has run this business since before I was born. I got my degree and managed a few buildings but my dad said as soon as I turn thirty, he would consider me for a CEO position. I've got a year to go, but had to take this position for six months. I guess he wanted me to show him I am still good with my hands." He said good with hands like it was a sexual connotation, or perhaps, I just took it that way.

Then it dawned on me. I had never said my name. I wasn't thinking stalker or creep, but more like he already knew the tenant's names. I turned my head sideways, looked away from his sexually compelling eyes, then looked back, and spoke up with a note of seriousness. "Mason? How did you know my name?"

He chuckled and then reached up and touched my face, putting a loose strand of hair behind my ears as he looked into my eyes. "You got called on last night. From your neighbors. Apparently, your singing hit a high note and a few thought you were getting killed. They called me, asking me to call the cops, but since I already had a front row view of what was really going on... well, by the time I made it over to your apartment, you were already passed out on your bed."

"My bed. Naked? Or was I still dressed?" My eyes were so wide and with a full on straight stare as if that would make a difference to his answer.

"Naked." He said it so casually. Then what he did next sent me into a permanent tailspin of chaos. He pulled my head up to his with the back of his hand below my chin. I watched his lips open

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