Where the Truth Lives - Mia Sheridan Page 0,19

up? Had he been one of many? A way to blow off steam from a stressful day job? He looked away, just as she turned her head back toward him.

“We need to know who to notify on Mr. Sadowski’s behalf,” Reed said.

Liza nodded, seeming hesitant. “He wasn’t married. But I can get his personal information for you.”

Headley put his hand over Liza’s again. “Dr. Nolan can email that information.”

“We’d prefer to have that now,” Ransom cut in. “Detective Davies will accompany her to wherever that’s filed. If you’ll take me to Ms. Thorne’s office so I can retrieve the necessary video surveillance, that would be much appreciated. The sooner we can begin reviewing those recordings the better.”

Headley paused, appearing annoyed that someone else was giving directives, but nodded and began standing. “If you’ll follow me, Detective.”


Reed and Liza walked down the corridor, the only sound the clicking of her heels on the peach-colored linoleum floor. She glanced at him nervously. A faint buzzing sound still filled the background of her mind, separate from the incessant electrical issues the hospital experienced. She massaged her temples, the echo of the shock that had slammed into her when he’d entered the staff lounge twenty minutes before causing the beginning of a headache.

It didn’t feel real.

Nothing about this day felt real. Maybe she was still in her bed, twisted up in some bizarre nightmare. Only . . . the man walking next to her was no nightmare. He was a dream, one she’d revisited often over the past few weeks, her body shivering with the memory of his touch, her mind conjuring images of his naked perfection. “I thought you were kidding when you said you were a detective.”

“I wasn’t.”

She let out a sound that might have been a short laugh if there was anything remotely humorous about this situation. “Obviously.”

He looked over at her and her breath caught. God, he was so incredibly handsome. She was dazzled by him, the same way she’d been as she’d watched him sing that stupid song on the karaoke stage with a bunch of drunk, stumbling fools.

She’d thought he was one too. Just a beautiful man with a fit body who’d be more than willing to enjoy a no-strings one-night stand. Actually, she hadn’t even planned on a night, just an hour, maybe two. Then things had taken an unexpected turn . . . He’d not only been gorgeous, he’d been sweet. She’d relaxed so completely that she’d fallen asleep and—

Damn it.

Her hand shook as she began to raise her key card to the card reader. “Liza,” he murmured, wrapping his fingers around her wrist. She turned to him, breath hitching. “Are you okay?”

Are you okay? She wanted to crumble. No, she wasn’t okay. She’d just seen a dead man with black, empty holes where his eyes should have been. A nightmare. Something straight from hell. A vision that materialized from the darkness, and came toward you, arms reaching as you stood, paralyzed. Helpless. “Yes, I’m fine.”

Reed’s eyes moved over her features for a second, and her heart squeezed at what she saw. Concern. He was concerned for her and she did not deserve his worry.

“No one would blame you if you weren’t. Maybe you should take the rest of the day off.”

She nodded, a jerky movement. “I know. But . . . I can’t. I have patients to see. They’ll have heard what happened. Word spreads quickly in places like this.” She glanced to the side. “I’ll need to reassure them. They’ll be upset. Anxious.” And home was not her solace anyway. It was her work that had always saved her. Her work that allowed her to lose herself when she needed to.

She lowered her arm and he let it go. Thank God, because otherwise she might have fallen into his solid chest, buried her head there. And she wouldn’t let herself do that. Couldn’t. Not only that, but it wasn’t as if he’d want her to anyway. He was very aware that she’d used him, and even if he’d been interested in knowing her before, she was doubtful he still felt the same. He had every right to judge her harshly.

God, she thought she might stop breathing when he’d walked into the staff lounge twenty minutes ago.

She buzzed them through the door, and he followed her into the filing room where clerks worked. The room housed three desks and a line of filing cabinets against the back wall. Only one of the desks was

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