When You're Mine (The Gallaghers #2) - Layla Hagen Page 0,36

dynamics. I looked at Dylan again, hoping he'd glance this way so I could gesture him to join us. As if he sensed that I was watching him, he cocked his head my way. I couldn't wave. But he knew how sibling dynamics worked because he immediately stopped the treadmill and came to us.

"Why are you all grouped here?" he asked. "Ian, I thought you were going to run next to me?"

Isabelle gave her brother a sweet smile. "He has some insider info he can't wait to share."

"But now that you’re here, they can hear it directly from the source," Ian said.

Isabelle trained her gaze on Dylan.

"So, we found out Mel's training you one-on-one."

"Yes, she is,” Dylan replied. “Anything against that? You kept saying she's an excellent trainer."

I was looking at all of them, unsure what to say or how to act. This was so much fun.

Isabelle glared at her brother, and I remembered what he said about her warning him not to hit on me. I still had no idea what to say to smooth things over.

I also wasn't sure if Dylan wanted his siblings to know about us. We never discussed it.

To my astonishment, he put an arm around my shoulders.

"Mel and I are seeing each other. And that's none of your business."

Ian, Josie, and Isabelle all started talking at the same time.

Ian laughed and then said, "Oh wait, he's serious."

"I think he's pretty serious," Josie confirmed.

"You left out a critical detail," Ian said, fighting to tone down a grin. Looking straight at me, he said, "He almost bit my head off when I commented that you're hot. Just thought you should know."

I giggled before covering my mouth. Isabelle and Josie were laughing too. Dylan glared at Ian.

"You had to spill that, didn't you?"

Ian nodded, looking oddly proud. "I've been sitting on this piece of information for a while. I couldn't wait for an occasion to spill it. It's too good not to be shared. And you know me, brother. I don't like to keep the good things to myself."

I cleared my throat. "Okay. Well, I do think we should start the session. Otherwise, we're not going to have enough time. Josie, Isabelle is going to show you the room where we're training, and I'll be with you in a few minutes."

Isabelle looked at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

After their sisters left, Dylan looked at Ian pointedly.

“This is your cue to leave us alone," he said simply.

"Oh, right, right. I don’t want to be a third wheel. However, I do want to test a theory. Will you bite my head off again if I mention how hot Mel is?”

I grinned, loving Ian’s merciless teasing.

“I don’t think we should push him too much,” I replied.

Dylan stared at his brother. Ian winked before heading to the treadmill.

Dylan took my hand, bringing me into a more private nook of the break room.

"Your siblings are hilarious.”

“And very nosy. I'm sorry.”

“It was funny. How come you’re here so early? Our session is later.”

“About that. The private sessions won’t work out today. My assistant scheduled a meeting at the last minute.”

I pouted.

He cupped my cheek, pressing his thumb on my lower lip. “But since they were an excuse to spend time with you, it doesn’t matter. I don’t need an excuse anymore.”

My pulse sped up as his eyes smoldered. “Tonight, I have another dinner with clients, but I want us to go out soon.”

“Friday works,” I said.

He groaned, slipping the tip of his thumb in my mouth, tilting in slightly. “Fine. Friday it is.”

"So you almost bit off Ian's head, huh?"

If possible, his gaze grew even more intense. I was warm all over just because he was looking at me with that strangely possessive glint.

"Yes I did. I don't know what you're doing to me, but even now, when a guy looks at you, I feel possessive. Even if it’s my brother and he wants to get a rise out of me."

He touched my neck with his hand, pulling me closer. I glanced sideways quickly, but the nook was private enough that no one could see us unless they walked right to this corner. Dylan touched his lips to mine, gently at first, but then it transformed into one of those hot kisses that made me want to jump him. He was a little sweaty from the treadmill, and it somehow made him even sexier. The salty taste on his lips turned me on so much that I didn’t want

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