When We Were Brave - Suzanne Kelman Page 0,90

that this is such a closely guarded secret they are not even informing their own agents,’ continued another member of the party at the table. ‘We are doing remarkably well with enemy spies in Paris. We have been very successful, as you know, at infiltrating them and have captured many of whom they call the Prosper Network. None of them seemed to be convinced – even with a little persuasion from us – that the attack is to come from London to anywhere other than the Calais area.’

Vivi shuddered inwardly at the word ‘persuasion’ and tried not to focus on exactly what that meant to her former cell.

The debate continued, and even though Weissman seemed to remain suspicious, the other commanding officers seemed pleased with the information Marcus presented.

After the meeting was over, Major Weissman strode over to talk to Marcus. ‘My commanding officer has informed me he would prefer me to work more closely with you, so you should send us any information you get through as we continue to observe this situation. I should let you know that Field Marshal Rommel is still convinced by some activity we have seen in the Resistance and with a heightened amount of sabotage in Normandy that the attack will take place in that area. If you come across any information that would support that, we expect your help, Major Vonstein.’

Marcus nodded. ‘Anything that comes in I will keep you informed about, straight away.’

After he left, and finally, when Marcus and Vivi could speak alone back at their apartment, she voiced her fears over supper.

‘Yes, it is a concern,’ responded Marcus. ‘But we have to stay convinced of what we believe. We have to stay strong, Vivi.’

‘They will never break me,’ she responded sternly. And she had meant it at the time, but she had no idea how much her resolve would be tested.


Vivi continue to remain strong until one day something happened that would shake her to the core. She had been at the offices of a different branch, delivering the information that Field Marshal Rommel’s major had requested. She had several photographs from a reconnaissance mission, and the latest details of where the so-called enemy forces were assembling. As she was leaving the building, she saw them dragging in a prisoner and it sickened her to see. When he turned his face towards her, she recognised him immediately. Terrier. His eyes were blackened and his face bruised, but it was definitely him. She caught his eye, and the look of bewilderment was clear on his face.

Rushing back to her office, Vivi signalled to Marcus they needed to talk straight away. Leaving the offices, where he was constantly concerned there were bugs and someone may be listening in, they went for a walk until they were alone. She told him what she had seen, and his face revealed considerable concern.

‘This is unfortunate, Vivi. He has seen you and knows who you are and what you were doing in SOE. It means if they interrogate him he could let your identity slip, and it could ruin everything we’re doing here. I’m afraid there is only one course of action.’

‘But you tell people about my past, use it as a victory.’

‘But he actually knows the truth and with Weissman being so particular…’

Vivi stared at him, struggling to understand what he was suggesting to her. Did he mean they had to help Terrier escape? But by the look of weighty concern on his face, she knew it could only mean one thing. ‘You would murder him?’

He responded softly to her, recognising how painful this would be for her to hear. ‘We may have to sacrifice him, Vivi. This is too big a mission, too broad for just one life.’

‘But Terrier helped me, took care of me. I was nearly caught by the Germans, and he helped me. I would never betray him. When I saw him at the train station I told him I had defected.’

‘I’m sorry, Vivi,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘He still knows more about you than is safe. I will take care of it myself and I will do it… kindly.’

‘No,’ she spat at him. ‘Please don’t do this. There must be another way.’

When they got home, they fought for hours, Vivi trying to convince him this wasn’t for the good of the country but just to save her. He agreed that part of his motive was that, but also he felt her work was of the upmost importance and

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