When We Were Brave - Suzanne Kelman Page 0,79


‘You will do as we tell you. Fräulein Hamilton has seen sense and has joined the Third Reich and will take her place by my side, representing the greatest country on Earth.’

‘Don’t do this, Vivienne,’ Mr Thompson implored her. ‘You would bring such shame to your family. And your poor mother, God rest her soul… she would be heartbroken if she was still alive.’

Vivi forced out the words, hoping he couldn’t tell that her heart felt as if it was pounding out of her chest. ‘I’ve made my mind up, John. I am disillusioned with Britain and everything it represents. The Führer and his vision for our world are what I want to be part of now, and you and nobody else can stop me. Heil Hitler!’ she said, raising her right arm.

John seemed incensed and reached forward for his wireless, but Marcus cocked the barrel of his gun. ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you. It could be very unfortunate if you do.’

Vivi looked over at Marcus. Surely he wouldn’t shoot him. This was a man she’d known all of her life. Though she knew there’d be difficult decisions they had to make along the way, she did not want to see people harmed for no good reason.

Marcus must have sensed her discomfort. ‘I do not want to shoot you in front of the Fräulein, so I suggest you step back from your wireless, sir.’

John hesitated but finally stepped away.

‘I want you to pull straight into the beach, where we will get off.’

The captain did as he was told and pulled the boat alongside the beach. It was still dark, and there was no one to catch the ropes this time around. As Vivi prepared to jump up onto the beach, Marcus turned around and pistol-whipped John across the head, and he slumped to the ground.

‘Did you have to do that?’ hissed Vivi.

‘We have to give ourselves some time.’

Vivi nodded, checked that John was still alive, wanting more than anything to take the time to bind the wound that had opened up on his forehead but knowing that time was of the essence.

They travelled through the quiet streets of Le Diben where she’d landed before, and she thought about the last time she’d been here. It felt like yesterday, but being by the side of a Nazi was haunting. They made their way to a German post, where Marcus introduced himself, showed them papers and explained the plane he had been travelling on had engine trouble and had to make an emergency landing in Brittany before taking off to return for repairs, and he needed to get to Paris as soon as possible. The Nazis in this sleepy little town were taken off guard at seeing such a high-ranking officer in their midst, and Marcus was formidable in his role.

They didn’t even question his story or ask about Vivi. Instead they lent him the only car in the village to drive to Morlaix, where they would be able to get a train. As they set off in the car they both sighed with relief. Because of Marcus’s injuries, Vivi had to drive; fortunately she had learned that as part of her training. As she gripped the steering wheel and wove the car down the country roads, Marcus reached forward and squeezed her hand.

‘You are amazing.’ He smiled at her. ‘Not long now.’

Back at the train station again, Vivi bought tickets for Paris. In his uniform, Marcus was very much the Nazi, and she had to keep reminding herself that he really was working undercover for the British. He was so good at the part he played. Even the way he spoke to her, in his abrupt German, sounding every bit in control. As they were waiting to board the train, someone caught her eye.

She turned. Someone was watching her intently, and she sucked in breath when she realised who it was. Hunched in the shadows was Terrier, leaning on a post, smoking a cigarette on the platform, obviously waiting for another operative. Making eye contact with Vivi, he walked towards her.

‘Look who flew back. No one told me you were coming,’ he said, obviously glad to see her.

‘I would stop and talk, but I have things I have to do,’ she blurted out, aware of the flush that was creeping across her cheeks.

Suddenly, Vonstein was beside her and Terrier stepped back in shock. She knew she had to do what she had to do, even though this would

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