When We Were Brave - Suzanne Kelman Page 0,30

is prepared for you to read books to their children, encouraging them in general studies. Then, if anyone asks the children, they will confirm you are their tutor. Do you understand? You will also have a short time to talk with the operatives in the house. They will give you any messages that need to be passed on.

‘Once you have the travel permits tomorrow, we need you to take them here.’ He pointed to another address. ‘Arrive at the same time the following day, wearing the same jacket. They will know whatever you hand to them will have the travel permits in it. While you are instructing the children there, they will unpick the stitching, pull out what they need, and then return it to you in the same fashion.

‘For this evening’s wireless broadcast, we also need you to ask London to send us some more equipment. I have the exact list here. Can you memorise it?’

She nodded her head as he handed her a written note.

‘You will do the same thing all over again with each house. Go to the address, pick up documents, go to the next and deliver them. They also may have messages for you. Are you all right with all of this?’

She must have been looking pale as her head was starting to swim, but she nodded. ‘I understand.’

‘You’re going to do fine, Claudette,’ he reassured her, placing his arm on her shoulder. ‘Just remember to blend in. Be friendly and act normally. Your pronunciation is excellent. How long were you in France before this?’

‘I lived here for a few years.’

‘You have the accent of the south. Your papers reflect that?’

She nodded.

‘This is good. Then hopefully you won’t be stopped. And if you are, you can tell them what you did before the war. But say as little as possible.

‘Once you have handed over the papers to the second house, you will need to come back here for more instructions. You will visit me here every Tuesday and Friday at ten in the morning. We have our grandchildren here on those days, and you and I will have a short time to talk while they have something to eat. My wife has books that you can read to them and studies you can teach them. I’m afraid some of your obligations won’t be quite as heroic as you may have imagined.’

Pierre’s wife brought in the tea, as he continued to give Vivi more information. After she left, her mind was buzzing with all she had to do. That evening she transmitted the list she’d memorised then, after winding up the broadcast, placed the wireless under the bed.

The next day, she set out first thing and found it a pleasant journey. Even though it was early spring, the weather was beautiful in Paris. Vivi made her way to the first house and knocked on the door. A young woman with lively eyes and a mane of blonde hair opened the door and beamed at her.

Vivi introduced herself. ‘Bonjour. My name is Claudette. I am here to instruct the children.’

The woman nodded in response. ‘We’ve been waiting for you, Claudette,’ she said as two school-aged children appeared and peeked out from behind their mother’s back while a younger child cried plaintively in the background. ‘As you can see, the children are ready for some distraction.’

She drew the children into the house as one of them grabbed Vivi’s hand and started to bounce up and down. ‘Are you going to read to us?’

‘I am,’ she responded, smiling down at the tiny beaming face.

The woman’s husband greeted her in the hallway.

‘This is the tutor who has come for the children,’ said the young woman, nodding at her husband.

‘Excellent,’ he said.

Vivi removed her coat, which she had carefully stuffed with rags to make it look bulky, just in case anyone had watched her arrive, and handed it over to the young man, who smiled then retreated with it.

Vivi made her way into the front room, which was alive with the presence of children, toys scattered about the place, and the general dishevelled feeling that went with the house of a young family. She quickly established herself and reviewed the books that the young mother handed to her.

‘Would you like a story?’ asked Vivi. ‘You can call me Mademoiselle Claudette.’

The children eagerly nodded and settled down to listen at her feet. Vivi read to them, and then they painted a picture together. After an hour, she headed off into the study

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