When Villains Rise (Market of Monsters #3) - Rebecca Schaeffer Page 0,53

and the more broken and human his face became.

Nita just sat next to him, quietly leaning against him for support while he put himself  back together. There wasn’t much else she could do.

When he finally took a deep breath and stumbled to his feet, Nita rose with him.

“Ready to go back to the Airbnb?” she asked.


“I think both of us could use some sleep. We’ve had a long day, and the flight wasn’t ideal for rest. Things will look better once you’ve had a nap.”

He didn’t seem convinced. She linked her arm with his, just to feel his warmth and signal silently to him that she was there, she wasn’t going anywhere. He leaned in, almost as though he was using her as a crutch, even though he didn’t put any of his weight on her, and they headed back.

The return walk was tense. Kovit kept glancing nervously at people, as though expecting them to jump out at him at any moment. His eyes darted around with an almost manic fear in them, and he kept clenching and unclenching his hands.

“Relax,” Nita whispered to him as they crossed the bridge. “The post only just went up, most people won’t have seen it yet. And even if they did, no one would think to look for you here.”

He nodded sharply, but his body remained tense and concerned.

Just in case, though, she bought a pair of sunglasses for him at a stall. With them on, he blended in better, his ethnicity more ambiguous.

When they returned to the Airbnb, Nita double-bolted the door behind them, and Kovit finally let the tension drain from his body.

Fabricio was still tied up on the couch, and he looked up when they arrived, his hair mussed from the nap he presumably had while waiting for them. He tilted his head. “Can someone untie me so I can go to the bathroom?”

Kovit snapped his switchblade out and approached. To Fabricio’s credit, he didn’t flinch at the sight, despite everything that had happened to him. He held very still while Kovit cut the duct tape, his whole body tight with tension. Once he was free, he thanked Kovit, went over to the kitchen, put on the kettle, and then went to the bathroom.

Kovit flopped onto the couch where Fabricio had been and put his head in his hands. “What now?”

“We rest.” Nita’s voice was gentle. “Nothing important is happening until tomorrow.”

“But we should . . . I don’t know. Do something?” He sighed. “Do you have any more ideas for what to do next?”

“Maybe,” Nita admitted. “I’ve been thinking on the way back. But nothing will work until the article about you goes online. We need to wait for people to start talking about why an INHUP agent was meeting with you on such friendly terms.”

“When will that happen?”

“Everything I sent is easy to verify, so . . . soon?”

“How soon?”

“Let me check.” Nita pulled out her phone, and sure enough, there was a response from the reporter.

I’ve confirmed the identity of the INHUP agent and zannie through multiple sources. That cafe event sure was popular! Do you have any information on why the two of them were together, and why they seemed so close?

All I can tell you is that INHUP knew about the two of them and looked the other way, Nita replied. I’m sending these pictures out to other sources tonight, so if you want the scoop, you have the rest of today to publish.

She looked up at Kovit. “Not sure. Hopefully this afternoon.”

He nodded and stared down at his hands.

Fabricio exited the bathroom. “What’s this afternoon?”

“Nothing.” Nita’s response was automatic, hiding information a second nature to her.

His tone was skeptical as he went into the kitchen. “Nothing, huh. Doesn’t sound like nothing.”

Kovit swallowed and looked away, and Fabricio looked between him and Nita. “Something happened.”

Nita admitted, “Kovit went up on the Dangerous Unnaturals List.”

“Ah.” The kettle boiled and automatically turned off with a pop. “I see. I’m sorry, Kovit.”

Kovit jerked slightly. “No, you’re not. You’re happy I’m going up on the list. One more monster who the public will righteously kill.”

“Hardly.” Fabricio looked through the cupboards absently. “The list is a scam. The worst monsters have always been able to find a way to buy their way off the list. Just like everything else.”

“But it’ll get rid of me,” Kovit responded.

“So?” Fabricio raised his eyebrows at Kovit as he pulled out packets of tea, and a large bag of maté.

“So that will make you happy.”


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