When Stars Collide (Light in the Dark #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,62

anything but happy at the sight of it.

I lay my head on his shoulder as the movie starts.

“Can we do this?” I whisper softly, so as not to disturb the man a few rows down.

I feel Xander nod. “Yeah, I think we can.”

I think we can too.

Our laughter echoes through the kitchen as Xander spins me around. Turning the radio on while we cooked might not have been our brightest idea, but there are times in life where you have to pause and enjoy the little things.

I wind my arms around his neck, swaying my hips to the beat of the song. His hands rest on my waist and he laughs when I begin to make funny faces.

“Bleck,” Cade says, entering the kitchen. “You guys are gross.” He picks up an apple from the basket on the table, tosses it in the air, and catches it before taking a bite.

I laugh and step away from Xander, returning to the stove. “You’re one to talk,” I say to Cade over my shoulder. “You and Rae are the grossest.”

“Are not,” he argues.

I snort. “We sound like we’re six.” I throw away the burnt eggs and clean the pan.

Xander takes the pan from me and says, “Maybe I should do this.”

“Hey.” I pout. “You’re the one that started dancing first. It’s not my fault the eggs burned in the process.”

He shrugs. “I make them better anyway.”

I gasp. “Take that back.”

“The truth hurts, deal with it.”

I narrow my eyes. “Oh, you’re in trouble.” When he turns around, I jump on his back like a spider monkey. He starts to fall from the impact but quickly recovers.

“Thea,” he laughs, “what are you doing?”

“Making it more difficult for you, obviously.” Unfortunately, I begin to slide down his body and my butt hits the floor. “Fuck,” I curse.

Footsteps pad across the floor and my brother looks down at me. “Forget gross, you guys are just weird.”

Xander chuckles and looks down at me, waiting for my response.

“I like weird,” I say.

“Me too.”

Cade gags. “I’m out of here. I can’t take anymore.”

I pick myself up off the floor and Cade pauses before leaving. “We’re going tubing with Jace and Nova at twelve and Mom and Dad’s barbeque is at three,” Cade reminds me.

“I know,” I laugh. “You told me three times yesterday.”

“I don’t want you to forget.”

“Mhm,” I hum as he leaves this time. Before he can make it to the stairs, I call, “The barbeque is at five, right?”

“Three!” he yells back as I cackle. “Dammit,” he mutters.

I shake my head. “I love messing with him.” I wrap my arms around Xander’s body, laying my head against his back. “Well, we’ve made it to July, one more month to go.”

His body stiffens. “Why do you say it like that?”

“Like what?” I step to the side so I can see him.

He flicks his dark hair from his eyes. “One more month to go,” he mimics. “It sounds like you’re getting rid of me after that.” Hurt flashes in his gaze.

My heart pangs. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that August is technically the end of our agreement.” I shrug. “Who knows what’ll happen.”

He shakes his head. “You’re unbelievable.”

“What?” My eyes widen in surprise.

“I thought we were doing good and here you are talking about the end of it.”

I touch his arm and he flinches away from me. “Xander,” I say firmly, forcing him to look at me. “That’s not what I meant. It was stupid of me to say that. I’m sorry.”

He swallows thickly and takes a deep breath. “It bothers me when you talk like that,” he says. “We’ve waited a long time for this and the thought of not having it anymore kills me.” He closes his eyes briefly. “I guess when I put that ring back on your finger I thought the agreement didn’t exist anymore. I shouldn’t have thought that.”

“You’re right,” I say, shaking my head rapidly. “It’s pretty much null and void at this point. What I said was stupid. I’m stupid—but we know this.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry,” I say again. “Forgive me?”

He smiles, and it’s not quite genuine, but almost. “I forgive you. But,” he starts, “if you start having doubts about us tell me. Don’t blindside me.”

I shake my head. “I’m not going to have doubts,” I tell him.

He stares at me for a moment and then nods. “Good.” He kisses me.

The atmosphere in the kitchen returns to more normal, happy levels as the tension from before

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