When Stars Collide (Light in the Dark #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,6

with a kiss.”

I give him the finger and turn sharply, leaving him behind as I exit the chapel. His laughter echoes behind me, and despite my anger, I smile.

Something tells me the next three months are going to be interesting.

We make it to the airport and through security just in time. Cade already stands in line to board the plane and gives us an incredulous look, like he can’t believe we cut it that close.

Xander and I step into the back of the line and slowly make our way toward the lady to hand her our boarding passes. She smiles and says a few words and then we’re on the ramp to board the plane.

Xander takes my carry-on bag from me and places it into the overhead compartment. I give him a grateful smile before taking my seat. I’m going to be stuck on the plane, sitting between Xander and Cade. Lovely. Thank God it’s only a two-hour flight from Las Vegas to Denver. Then, we have a forty-five-minute drive home, but Rae will be picking us up so at least Cade will be distracted.

Xander pulls out his phone and puts his earbuds in, effectively cutting off any sort of conversation I might have with him. Granted, there’s not much I can say with my brother right beside us. It’s weird, how one day has completely shattered our dynamic. I’ve known him forever, and never had a shortage of normal things to talk about, but now everything in my head comes back to us.

I can’t believe I agreed to give him the summer to convince me to stay married to him. There’s no way in hell that I will, but I’ll have to endure the whole three months as his wife. Working with him, coming home to the same house, and all the while keeping this a secret from the ones we love. Knowing Xander, he’d probably be fine with telling everyone what happened, but me …? I can’t. I don’t want my family knowing that the first time I was granted any real amount of freedom I ended up married.

Beside me, Cade rubs his hands over his face.

“Tired?” I ask.

“Yes,” he answers, swiveling his head toward me. His brown hair falls over his forehead, shielding his blue eyes. “I shouldn’t have gone out last night.”

I shrug. “You headed back to the hotel before Xander and me.” And thank God for that.

“What time did you guys head back? Xander did make sure you got back safe, right?” His eyes flare with anger, and I know he’d go off if he thought Xander had left me alone in the middle of Vegas. With an overprotective big brother, and his equally overprotective best friend, it’s safe to say I’d never gotten into too much trouble. Except for, you know, when said best friend and I ran off and got married.

“Don’t worry, he took me back to my room and tucked me in safe and sound.”

More like fucked me into the bed all night long.

“Good.” He nods. “I worry about you.”

“I know you do.” I pat his hand. “But you don’t need to. I can take care of myself. I’m tougher than you give me credit for.”

He chuckles. “You and Rae both.”

He settles into the seat again and I know he’s done talking.

The plane goes to take off and Xander ever-so-slightly grazes his fingers against the side of my knee. He knows I hate take-off and landing. He’s so incredibly in tune with me. He always has been.

I jolt awake as the plane touches down on the runway.

Xander flashes me a worried look.

“I’m okay,” I pant, out of breath like I’ve been running.

He raises a brow in disbelief and winds the earbud wires around his phone. Beside me, Cade looks ready to jump out of the damn plane. I know he’s missed Rae and can’t wait to see her. I love that he has that and with someone I call my friend. They both deserve all the happiness in the world.

And don’t you?

My eyes flicker to Xander with the thought. I swallow past the lump in my throat as the plane taxis in.

When it finally stops, we let the cabin empty out before grabbing our overhead bags and heading out.

We’re all silent as we make our way through the airport and to baggage claim. Cade leads the way, and Xander and I fall in behind him. That’s the way it’s always been. Cade leading the way, forging ahead.

I glance at Xander, and his

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