When Stars Collide (Light in the Dark #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,2

animal crackers with me and carried me home when I fell off my bike. But I never imagined it would be like this—that I would barely even remember it.

“Whatever you want,” he mumbles, not meeting my gaze.

I stand frozen and watch as he grabs his phone and slips his jeans on over his boxer-briefs. He pauses at the door and I expect him to look back and say something, anything, but he leaves. I can’t say I blame him.

I take a quick shower, washing the scent of Xander’s body from mine in case Cade can sniff it out like a bloodhound. I feel sick to my stomach that Xander walked out of my room with things still unresolved between us but I can’t see why he doesn’t see the issue. I’m nineteen. I only have one year at college under my belt and beyond that I have no clue what I want to do with my life. A marriage makes things even more complicated.

I dress comfortably in a pair of black leggings and a loose gray tank top. I twist my long hair back into a sloppy ponytail and swipe some gloss on my lips. I pack my bags hastily and I’m almost done when Cade reappears at my door, knocking loudly.

“I swear to God, Thea, if you’ve fallen back asleep—”

I groan and run to open the door. “I’m awake and ready. I’ll meet you in the lobby in five minutes.” I purposely position my body so that he can’t see in the room. It’s still a mess with evidence left behind that I don’t need him to see.

“Fine,” he groans. “I’ll be downstairs getting breakfast.”

I watch him retreat and then close the door.

Before I can make it back to my suitcase there’s another knock on the door.

“Cade, I’m going to punch you in the face,” I seethe and swing the door open, ready to maim my big brother. “Oh, thank God. It’s you.” I step aside and let Xander back in the room.

“Do you need help with your bag?” He asks.

“I’m almost done packing.”

I hate the awkward tension hanging in the air between us. It’s never awkward with us, not like this at least, and I hate it. When things get bad I’m used to running to Xander and having him wrap his arms around me and tell me it’s going to be okay, but not this time.

“I’ll wait.” He gives me a slight smile and I know he feels the tension too.

I finish packing and Xander paces around the room, looking to make sure he hasn’t left anything behind in here. There are a few condoms scattered on the floor—let’s just say we were making up for a heck of a lot of lost time last night—and he picks them up to throw them away.

“Shit,” he curses and I look up from the blouse I was packing away.

“What?” I ask and his silence scares me. “Xander?” I prompt.

“This one’s broken,” he mumbles, nodding at the condom he holds.

“What?” I say again. “No.”


“I’m going to be sick,” I cry, and run for the toilet. I collapse in front of it and heave up everything in my stomach—which isn’t much.

Xander’s hand touches my back and I flinch. His hand falls away and I can hear him running water in the sink.

I can barely handle the thought of us being married, but if I’m pregnant too? There’s no hiding a baby.

I sit on the cold tile floor and lean my back against the wall. Xander kneels in front of me and wipes my mouth with a washcloth. His dark eyes are full of worry but he doesn’t say anything. There’s nothing he can say.

He helps me up and I brush my teeth, thankful I hadn’t packed my bathroom stuff yet. He disappears into the bedroom and when I emerge from the bathroom I see that he’s finished packing my bag for me and waits by the door.

We’re both silent as we head next door to his room so he can grab his suitcase. I wait in the hall, fighting tears.

When he comes back into the hall, wheeling his black suitcase behind him, my chin wobbles.

“Thea,” he says my name softly, almost pained sounding. “Please don’t cry.”

“I’m scared,” I confess, my voice barely a whisper.

He lets go of his suitcase and pulls me into his arms.

His arms.

My safe place.

I only let myself linger in his arms for a few seconds before I force myself away and wipe the tear from my cheek.

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