When a Rogue Meets His Match - Elizabeth Hoyt Page 0,105

a puppy’s bladder truly was. “Can you take Daisy to the garden, Sam?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The boy scurried over with an important air and scooped the dog up.

After the boy and dog left the room, Messalina turned back to Lucretia and saw that she was bent over the psalter.

“What is this, do you suppose?” Lucretia murmured, pointing to a drawing on the vellum page.

Messalina peered down at the tiny purple monster. “It’s a whale, I think.”

Lucretia seemed doubtful. “Is that what a whale looks like? I didn’t know they had whiskers.”

“I’m not entirely sure,” Messalina said, taking the book to study the creature. Could it be a cat with a fish tail?

“Hmm,” Lucretia murmured, and reached for another tart. “I never would have guessed that Gideon would be so generous. Your library must’ve cost a pretty penny.”

“There’s much about Gideon I certainly would never have guessed,” Messalina said slowly. She remembered her husband’s face as he’d talked about his dead brother. When she’d arrived in London she’d thought him a wicked man without feelings.

She’d been wrong.

“Certainly he doesn’t seem the literary type,” Lucretia mused.

“He’s not. But he knows I am.” Messalina turned to her with enthusiasm. “You should’ve seen the auction house, Lucretia! Filled with all sorts of things, many quite, quite ugly, but so fascinating. And the bidding—I had no idea how ruthless it could be. It was rather exciting toward the end. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping if Gideon could outbid…” She trailed away as she noticed Lucretia’s thoughtful face. “What?”

“Oh, nothing,” her sister replied, clearly lying. “It’s just that you seem so happy.”

“I am,” Messalina said, feeling a tad defensive.

“Yet I thought we still plan to leave?” Lucretia questioned softly.

Messalina bit her lip, looking down at the psalter, remembering Gideon’s face as he’d watched her open it for the first time.

Did she really want to leave anymore?

Because if Gideon was capable of love—even brotherly love—wasn’t there a chance for happiness?

“I don’t know,” Messalina whispered.

Lucretia nodded, dusting crumbs from the tarts off her hands. “That’s what I thought. I’ll have to find someplace to hide, I think. Somewhere Uncle Augustus can’t find me. Perhaps at Kester’s northern manor? No”—she held up a hand to halt Messalina speaking—“I’m not berating you. I want your happiness. I just believe you ought to really think on it. Do you truly wish to leave Gideon?” Lucretia gave her a lopsided smile as she stood. “Good night, Sister dear.”

Messalina watched her go and then slumped back on the settee. She knew what she wanted to do—she wanted to stay here with Gideon. She just wasn’t sure if it was the morally correct move. After all, she was thinking only of her happiness. What if Julian continued to hate Gideon? What if her brother hurt him? And what if Lucretia had to be sent away to be hidden? It wasn’t fair to Lucretia, for her to sacrifice her own happiness for Messalina’s.

Besides. Messalina wasn’t entirely sure she could live without her sister.

She was still deep in thought when Gideon entered the sitting room with a bottle of wine and two small glasses. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” she replied, sitting upright hastily.

“Would you like a glass?” He indicated the bottle.


He poured and silently handed her the glass of wine, their fingers brushing.

She shivered, sipping the wine to cover. It was delightfully fruity. She set the glass on a table and cleared her throat. “Have you come to discuss the library?”

“No.” He abruptly set down his wine untasted. “Messalina. I’m not good with words where you’re concerned. But I want you to know that…” His beautiful mouth twisted. “Stay. Please stay with me. If you’ll let me—”

“Yes.” She held out her hands for him, not waiting for him to finish. “Yes.”

And strangely—perfectly—she knew it was the right thing to do.

He took her hands, sinking down to the settee beside her, his eyes closed. “Thank you.”

He lifted her hands palm-upward to his lips, brushing his lips over each one, sending shivers through her body, the touch light, almost reverent.

She caught her breath, tears pricking at her eyes.

He wrapped his arm about her waist and pulled her close, handling her as she had the psalter.

As if she were something infinitely precious and rare.

Something he didn’t want to lose.

He pressed kisses to the corners of her mouth. To her upper lip and then to her bottom lip. Slow and sensual. His head bent to hers as he wandered to her throat, making her

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